I love it when dogs help you clean up....like when you drop an egg. Or when you spill some soup. Or perhaps your biscuit has exceeded the 5 second rule. There's your helpful dog - cleaning up for you.
Today it has rained on top of frozen ground and our morning walk consisted of me sliding along shouting 'walk slow, walk slow' at Ripple. I am terrified of falling and breaking a bone. We get home and Ripple decides to celebrate by shaking his blanket all over my clean floor - how does he know ?
Does anyone’s dog actually do anything truly useful round the house, apart from cleaning up spilt food? The Pig’s existence is almost entirely detrimental to domestic order. The only thing she does that is actively useful is to close our living room door on cue, which is useful when we are sitting on the sofa and the door is obscuring the TV she also closes cupboard drawers when I am cooking and have dirty hands, which is useful but she has become overly enthusiastic with this and often shuts my head in kitchen cupboards as I am trying to get something out of one!
I had the opposite with Ripple - as a puppy he very quickly learnt how to open my kitchen drawers and then went on to remove all the contents. I still don't have any handles on most of my kitchen drawers .
My dog did something useful today - destroyed my somewhat ratty hiking boots that I left out because they were mucky, which means I now have to buy new, nicer ones
Axel will pick up his leash while it’s clipped to him and carry it to the car for me or put it in my hand for me. But that’s about it I think besides being a vacuum.
Quinn is useless...she will move if you ask her to, and avoids the vacuum. But she will jump on the bed when I'm changing the sheets and refuse to budge which is pretty annoying...and spills waters....and gets paw prints everywhere. So yes, she is useless around the house.
Decide to do a beach walk today to get away from slippery paths. Ripple did his normal rushing off looking for crabs and poo to eat, he then hooked up with a couple of black labs and a red lab, playing quite nicely really. I decided I had better go and collect him as I'm sure there's only so much of Ripple other people can take, and the lady with the black labs said what a beautiful dog you've got and he's so good - was she actually talking about Ripple ? Apparently she was , asked me how old he was and thought he was brilliant for coming back when I blew the whistle (he didn't come all the way back either as he was having too good a time). I think maybe I need to look at Ripple in a different light .
Yep we stand to close to the dogs who listen to different drums. He's a great dog a bit like Moo I think far to clever and knowing. With a sense of humour and fun.
I often say that the dogs in my life are the best and worst dogs in the world. I think this is true of most dogs depending on the time of day and what you catch them doing.
I'm ALWAYS cold. OH calls me a snowman. Even in summer I'm freezing. And in winter you'll ever find me without a hot water bottle cuddled up to me. So these past few days have been awful! So I've been bringing the duvet down from the spare bed to snuggle up with. Unfortunately, it's white and of course a certain little man had to get in on the action. So today I bought a black one, so from now on our couch is snuggle central without the major obvious dog hair Stanley approves..
Mine are currently keeping the sofas warm for me so I can choose which one to sit on (they're strictly not allowed, of course). Tuppence, too, can open doors and will let herself out if I forget to lock the french doors (only because she knows she gets a treat every time she comes in from the garden, so it's in her interests to go out there in the first place!). She will also open the door to let Wispa in if she's still outside - Tuppence always comes in first to get her treat because she knows she'll get another one when Wispa comes in (so that she doesn't feel left out when Wispa has hers!). The only trouble is that she doesn't always open it wide enough, so Wispa stands outside looking helpless and Tuppence stands inside wondering why Wispa can't get through the opening!
Ive given up asking the Pig to bring me things I actually want because it arrives nicely coated in a layer of drool. I'm not sure the post would be readable after being tucked into those dribbly jowls of hers!
Seriously you have to ask? Cuddles, cuddles and more cuddles. And cheering you up and making you laugh. What more would one need or want
And you can’t see the state of the kitchen floor when you are stuck under a snoozing dog with a snout in your ear