The Isle of Man is a very small place where everyone knows someone who knows someone. My work place is on my Facebook page too and I think she's stalked me on it - looking for Coco. I'm not totally private in my settings. The story is she gave up Coco because she had a relationship break-up and had to move to poor accommodation which wouldn't allow dogs. I've heard from another lady, who tried to for 4 weeks foster him for her - the foster failed because Coco & her resident dog did not get on. She returned him to the original woman, who, after trying a very unsuitable foster then sent him to rescue - telling the failed-foster lady that they had put him to sleep because she wouldn't keep him! I'm inclined to believe the second lady, who only got in touch with me because she thought he was dead and then saw a photo I'd posted on the ManxSPCA page and was so happy to learn otherwise & know how he was. The original owner does seem rather un-hinged, but that doesn't stop he missing the dog she gave up. I'm always careful not to walk him in the north of the Island, where I believe she might live - I'd hate to bump into her! I'll be sure to give Douglas a wide berth too, in case she moves there with the new partner.
When you've been told off for getting in the way when you're mam is wrapping but you still want to be involved..
Oh how could you tell that dog off! All my presents have a sprig of dog hair under the Sellotape and a little bunch inside - it's SO festive !
Well fingers crossed that she leaves you alone now. Nobody wants to have to go to the police with "this woman surrendered her dog, I adopted him, and now she won't leave me alone" Oh Stanley, he's got that pathetic dog face down to a T. I do all my wrapping in the bedroom, so my problem is cat fur. Which reminds me, I really need to get wrapping. Every year I get my shopping done early, but every year I leave the wrapping until the last minute.
Why is it that you always look ridiculous in front of the one person you know will talk about it behind your back? There's this one woman who is really two-faced and smug. She drives me crazy. Luna is really good at walking nicely on lead, but she has struggled a little bit since being here in Andorra because everything is just SO exciting - all the people, the snow, the smells... it's very different to where we've been in Spain. Even so, she's probably walking nicely a good 85% of the time. But when she decided to run around my back and pull towards an icy puddle while I was standing on a slope on slush, meaning I did a neat pirouette as the lead tightened and then skidded about five feet towards the puddle, of course, there she was. "Nice slide". Shut up. Just... shut up.
Yes my wrapping also included dog hair and cat hair, so did my holiday baking. Rum balls with pet hair anyone?
I would have responded with a curtsey. Horrible people can't feed off of your embarrassment if you're not embarrassed! What a flaming sausage of a woman, though. I've been on a meringue and pavlova-making binge. 14 egg yolks later! It was too much to give to the chickens and the dog, and I rarely use yolks in cooking. So I decided to put them into ice trays, to boost Xena's dinners. I'm glad all those yolks aren't going to waste!
I'm so nervous about the dog fur when I'm baking for other people. I don't mind my family stumbling across some, but I made a batch of Christmas mince pies for Dawn's teachers and I was terrified that some fur snuck into the pastry. It must just be in the air all the time, I can't explain it otherwise'
Yes when I’m baking and cooking for family I just kinda shrug it off. But if I am baking for work then I’m a bit worried and find myself picking hairs out
Sorry for another picture but this just amazes me. Gizmo in this picture is chomping down on Axel’s cheek, and Axel being the most patient young man just lets him. I know for a fact that Odie would not put up with this, so I’m wondering if it’s down to the gentle Labrador personality? Or is it just each dog and breed as an individual ?
I think maybe we need a separate "brag" thread. This morning's brag: I walked 250m by myself with all three dogs on perfect loose leads to the start of our morning walk and the same again at the end. We stopped while someone walked past, talking to me, with no excitement lunging (Squidge) or barking (W&S). Several people saw us, which doesn't make any difference but also really does. Willow and Shadow have obviously had lots of practice walking together, but adding the chocolate monster into the mix changes the dynamic, not to mention we're still getting used to being back in Andorra, so I was really bubbling with pride for all of them. Good doggies
Yes! He’s no longer smaller than Axel’s head He’s quite long for a cat, so I have been told by the vet anyways. He’s not very tall or ‘bulky’, just long like a slinky lol. He’s only 4kg
This is undoubtedly one of my favourite parts of having a dog.. when you want someone to be excited with Stanley always obliges. Has no idea why he's excited but he's always ready to party!
Ripple decided to liven up our Christmas Eve by finding and consuming a dead duck on the beach, no amount of persuading or encouraging could entice him to give it up, despite the many £££ and hours of gundog training . All the time we are trying to catch him we are also in danger of getting forced off the beach as the tide is rapidly coming in. Then, of course, being well aware that he hasn't come back when we called him, plus the hope of other dead things to eat, he becomes virtually impossible to catch. Eventually I grabbed him as he was tucking in to a dessert of dog poo. OH and I decided that a swift trip to the (out of hours ) vet was in order as we didn't know whether the duck had anything wrong with it. I got the impression the vet thought we might have been overreacting but we came away with some charcoal solution to give him. We have obviously discovered one of the few things that Ripple dislikes and in a very short time there was charcoal all over the floor, up the kitchen units and, following a very large shake of his head, all up my dining room curtains. I have washed all the floors and units, cleaned my curtains as best I can, consumed a large quantity of chocolate biscuits and tea, and feel a bit better about it. Ripple, of course, is merely wondering why dinner is late .