Ouch! Poor Willow. Easily done, though, if she caught it awkwardly in something. I hope it's not too sore.
Blooming dog got into the chicken run today (still haven't figured out how) and ate a small pile of cooked lamb chop bones that we'd given the chooks to peck over. I'm trying not to freak out and just keep a eye on her, but I'm a little nervous. Blooming bloody greedy guts dog.
Oh gosh! I’m sorry to hear about the bone-munching, but well done that dog for eating lamb bones rather than chickens! If it was the Pig, it would be bye bye chooks
Happy New Year everyone the Pig survived the fireworks, but after we’d gone to bed I got worried about her and went down to check on her again, and she had got out of her nest and curled up in a tight ball right under the Christmas tree! She wouldn’t come out so I slid a bit of vet bed under there and she gratefully clambered onto that, tucked her snout firmly under her tail and was asleep before I even turned the light off. Funny little creature
Happy New Year! Willow and I saw the new year in huddled under the dining table at our friends' house to be safe from the fireworks. When we were ready to walk home, we went outside and almost immediately more fireworks were let off nearby, she ran back into the house and refused to come out, so we spent what was left of the night on the sofa (she wouldn't even make it into the spare room).
Ah forgot unfortunately! I wonder if she is still there...I’ve not made it out of bed yet and there has not been a peep out of the Pig...she is not a Morning Pig after a late night!
She didn't want to go out, which wouldn't be a problem at home, but since we were at our friends' house and everyone had to go to work, was an issue. We managed to trick her into moving by pretending we were going to open a bottle of cava, which normally gets her hugely excited because she loves to chase the cork. She wasn't her normal bouncy self, but she did slink out the door. As soon as she was outside, she was happy as anything, but now we're back home, she's subdued and hiding on her bed in the kitchen, which is her "safe place". She's a complex one, my little monkey moo.
Poor Willow I know her fear is about more than just fireworks, but I wish they'd ban all but public displays. They cause so much distress to so many pets. At least if owners knew when displays were being held and how long for they could plan accordingly.
We were in bed by 10:15 - Woken by fireworks at 12:10 which sounded like they were being let off in our front garden, right outside the bedroom window - they went on, sporadically, for about 15 minutes. Coco sat up on the end of the bed, as if to say "for pity's sakes, it's the middle of the night!" Then flopped back down on my feet. Thankful he is not at all phased by the noise or the flashes. Thinking of Willow & all the other dogs and creatures who are terrified, they cannot possibly understand what's going on. Hope Zena's OK with the lamb bones Stanley, that's my kind of New Year! Took this photo yesterday - it sums up Coco's ever-cheerful outlook on life. It is my aim to be like Coco.
We live in an all electric house, no gas in our area and once we were off for 4 days and it was snowing It did make me realise what dreadful conditions refugees live in and we only suffered it for 4 days. It was pretty miserable, or rather very miserable.
Me and my friend went for our first walk of the new year. We were both a bit tearful. We've lost all the black gang now besides Moo and she can't go for long walks anymore. So we are now down to 1dog to walk between us. We miss Doug Danny and the wonderful Solomon. We loved them all and miss the fun we used to have together.They were great days. We were so lucky to have had them
came across this http://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-eu...h-covered-in-sea-foam-caused-by-storm-eleanor only a small amount of the actual film is of a dog, but it is a Lab after all...
Agghh!!! That dog! He is in a very silly mood, he's been in the garden running around in the rain, then zoomed in and spun around chasing his tail, grinding mud into the carpet. I gave him a peanut butter kong to calm him down..then he just tripped me over as a rushed to answer the phone. I missed the call as I lay, sprawled, with a big dog licking my face all over! I can't be mad with him, though, can I?