Tuppy I have that same duck! Mum attached it to a string on a stick and whirls it round the garden and goes ‘whee wooo look Piggy a duckie!’ and tries to get me to chase it. I think she reckons she might trick me into thinking it’s a real duckie and play with her. Mum is a kibble brain.
No no no you don’t scare them off! You sneak and creep and point and weasel up to fat pidgeys and then if they are really stoopid ones and you have been sufficiently weasely you can leap on them and MUNCHCRUNCHFLAPPYLUNCH
My favourite is pinkies no sneaking no weaseling just a quick sniff the gulp gulp gulp warm squirmy things in my tummy. I ate a whole best ging says they are baby mice they are so nice. Mmmmmm Moo
I have that duck, too! Had. Mum said, "Had." (with the full stop! I don't know how you say a full stop, but she did it very well) then looked like this: It wasn't my fault. That annoying brown thing had it and I had to take it off her because ducky is MINE and then ducky's head exploded. Whoops. Shadow
Hmm that’s pretty much what happened to the last pidgey I weasled up to too. Mum called me a Bad Pig. But it’s not our fault if some things have ‘splodey heads.
We have a giant mousey in our garden. It lives under the shed. Dad has been sneaking about putting a camera on a stick. He gets picture of me on it because I am so fabulous & I want the mousey-monster, so I sneak around the shed. He did get pictures of mousey too. He says it has to go. He says our naebers (I can't think how to spell them) will be cross if they find we have the giant mousy under the shed. I will try and catch it for him. - Coco
Ooooo watch out them big mouse's bite Coco. They are called ratzzz and they are clever beeestz. I eat mice but ratzzz is too mean Moo the giantkiller
I just bring them to Daddy and let him deal with them, they are however normally kaput. I did chase a mouse once, but mummy freaked and shouted. Daddy told her off after, as he said that is not what you are supposed to do. Vanilla
Careful Coco, if it's not a MOUS it could be a ROUS! Mummy told me about ROUSes and they sound scarily. She said it's probly not though because they only live in the Fire Swamp. Shadow
I also hate harnissis. I ate my first one so they got me anuther and I ate that too. Tee hee, that tort them. Now I have a nice blue tartan collar which is most fetchin Mother says. I like fetchin I am a nexpert at it and Mother says GoodGirlJoy.xxx
Well there were phessies but I wasn’t allowed to go to see them or bite any but the clever gundog lady says Pig-mummy needs to let me hunt more because I’m never going to get rid of my Pointer-pants. So she is going to teach us but that is stoopid because I already know how to hunt because that’s what Pigs do. But apparently I have to take Pig-mummy hunting with me now which will be a bit annoying as she is slow and rubbish and not at all weasely. If she were left to her own devices she wouldn’t even be able to hunt a cowpat. Love, the Pig x
Oh lovely Piggly, you're going to have great fun training your mum to hunt. Can't wait to hear how you get on! - Coco
Pig! Pig! I also do the sneaky weaky creeping up thing with my tummy all close to the ground but I haven't catched one yet. Do you think I've got Pointer Pants too? Mother says she's starting to think I might have a teensy bit of something not labrador in me but she can't decide if it's Pointer Pants or Collie Collar or Spaniel Socks. She said if it's not any of these then I am part lioness but I don't know what that is and I think it was what they call Just Joaking. I would like to have Pointer Pants like you. Love GoodGirlJoy.x.