Puppy limping this evening

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Coa, Jan 20, 2018.

  1. Coa

    Coa Registered Users

    Jul 8, 2017
    My seven and a half month puppy just got up to go out for his last wee and he seems to be limping. He's reluctant to put weigh on his back right leg and looks stiff. Other than the limp he is not acting as if it hurts him and he has been fine all day. He had a normal walk today (35 mins, we always stick to the five minute rule)

    I will rest him tomorrow and take him to the vets Monday. But is it common for puppy's to develop limps that turn out to be nothing or should I be worried?
  2. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    It is not uncommon, but if it doesn't go away in a day or two, or seems to really bother him, I would go see the vet.
    Coa likes this.
  3. Master Bowie

    Master Bowie Registered Users

    Jan 5, 2018
    Melbourne Australia
    Hello there,
    I've had a lot and long history with Bowie injuries and limping. So I would completely rest him and keep him quiet - only short leash walk and no play/running around - at least until he gets better (no limping) and slowly build up activities/walks. Make sure the vet thoroughly checks your pup, if you decide to take him. Let me know how you go and hope he'll be ok :)
    Coa likes this.
  4. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Hope your pup is feeling better this morning. You have my sympathy - last weekend Merlin (10 months) couldn't put any weight on his left front foot... I am terrified by limps and always think the worst, so off to the vets we went. He had two badly sprained toes, and was prescribed metacam and a week of restricted exercise, and seems fine again now. They do injure themselves easily at this age, and it usually is nothing more than a sprain or a pulled muscle, but my advice would be to rest him and take him to the vets on Monday if the limp is not much improved.
    Coa likes this.
  5. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    I find where they run around like loonies sometimes they hurt themselves but not too badly. We've had sprains and tight muscles over the years, but luckily nothing worse.
    As others have said, rest and try to keep him calm today and if no improvement pop to the vets tomorrow.
    Coa likes this.
  6. MF

    MF Registered Users

    May 5, 2014
    Cape Town, South Africa
    My boy limped three times in his first year. Of course I thought the worst! The vet said complete rest until the limp disappears and then another 10 days rest to ensure complete recovery. She said so often the limp goes but the pup quickly reinjures himself if he’s allowed to race around too quickly cos he’s not properly recovered, hence extra 10 days rest. It was hard work!!
    Rosevett and Coa like this.
  7. Coa

    Coa Registered Users

    Jul 8, 2017
    Thank you everyone for your responses, he does seem fine today. I've still rested him though.

    Do you think I should still take him to vets just to be on the safe side?
  8. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    I would rest him for another day , then gradually build up his exercise , but if the limp returns , take him to the Vets . As he seems to be alright with his enforced rest, its more likely to be a soft tissue injury , common in pups , but do watch him for a couple of days, hope he continues to do good x
    Naya and Karen like this.
  9. JYB

    JYB Registered Users

    Dec 31, 2017
    My dog limped many times in his first year. The vet took x-rays and while there was a touch of calcium build-up around a joint, he indicated that it was likely growing pains. That's exactly what it was. He's fine now.
  10. Hollysdad

    Hollysdad Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Oct 13, 2013
    The first thing I'd do is check his paws for thorns or anything between the pads.
    MF likes this.
  11. Rosevett

    Rosevett Registered Users

    Dec 5, 2017
    Finger Lakes Region of NY
    *relief* Rosie ended up with a limp too, right after the last thaw/freeze she was running and slip/slide to a stop a few times when returning from her off leash exploration. She doesn't seem in pain but like you I'm concerned and this will give me an reason to get her first visit to OUR vet(she has been well taken care of by another but quite a distance away). Rest is so hard for puppies - lots of mind games and I make sure her games are on carpet so she isn't slipping on the hardwood floors.
  12. Ann Beirne

    Ann Beirne Registered Users

    Feb 8, 2019
    Our x5 month old lab Harvey is also limping. It started over Xmas when he was x16 weeks so we took him to the vet and she put him on medacam for a week and we rested him. Think it happened after one long walk over Xmas (we always stick to the 5 min rule but we with friends and their lab that day). Today our dog walker advised he’s limping again. I’m just so upset. Will keep a close eye on him this weekend and may have another visit to the vets. Hoping it’s norhing serious. He has doubled in size over the last month too so wondering if it’s growing pains but it’s that same front left paw again.
  13. Julie Deeley

    Julie Deeley Registered Users

    Dec 27, 2019
    How is Harvey doing now? My boy started limping left foreleg at six months old, almost three months ago. In the middle of a leash walk. X-rays saw nothing. Vet reckons it will go away on its own by 18 months when he stops growing and we have him on 10 minutes timed exercise on the flat either off lead at the beach or on lead in our front yard or on a woods trail. His limping is better than it was but if he jumps around too much like over enthusiastic visitor greeting or has any sudden stops (so playing fetch is out) he limps harder for 24-48 hours and we rest him. We still don’t know what is causing it and not knowing is unsettling. Neither me nor the vet can get a pain response with flexing, palpitating etc. Her best guess was the growth plate in that leg might be causing pain.

    I had thought it might be a shoulder injury but as I said no pain response so I might try letting him swim again. Stopped allowing swimming in case it was his shoulder.

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