Amount /type of food

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Dani1984, Jan 23, 2018.

  1. Dani1984

    Dani1984 Registered Users

    Jan 3, 2018
    Hi me again
    I am currently having issues with willows feeding I am going off what it says her ideal adult weight (on side of packet) which would be 25-45kg ' says 2- 6 months 275-480g per day I currently feed her 300g per day split over the day as she is small i spoke with vet and she said she is only going to be a small one maybe 20kg at most she is currently 13 weeks and just over 5kg (yep I am aware this is small ) she was only 2.75 when we got her . The problem I am finding is if I look online based on her weight she is now it' says just over 200g per day what do I go off ?? Only reason I ask is i dont want to be under/over feeding her. Now for the gross part ...... in a morning she has solidish B/M but once she is fed it then turns more sloppy it is not consantly going but she goes about 5 times a day in total no pain no blood and as hyper as ever I am told by other puppy owners this is too much?? she is on wainwrights turkey and rice dry food at mo she was originally on pedigree but I changed that gradual over a week . Now a lot are saying James well beloved will be better do you think her B/M are due to her food brand or the fact I am over feeding her based on her weight now ?? As I know over feeding can cause upset tummy. She has had samples sent to vets and no problems there . I spoke to vet about it and said it may because She was due for De worming again which was almost two weeks ago it varies on consitancy but is never formed as I feel it should be Sorry for the gross post any help /advice would be greatly appreciated
    Thanks Danielle and Willow .
  2. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Overfeeding can lead to loose stools. Your best bet is to go off her body condition to see how much is best for her. The amounts on packets are just guides and are often quite vastly over-estimated. I don't think I'd change her food again just yet; give her time to settle down to her new diet and just reduce the amount.
    My latest puppy used to poo many times a day. In fact, the first night she went about seven times overnight! All perfectly formed, but SO MUCH! I'm not sure where it all came from :D
    She's 14 months and still goes at least three times a day, whereas my other two go once or twice. So I wouldn't worry about the frequency at this point; they're all individuals.
    Dani1984 likes this.
  3. SimoneB

    SimoneB Registered Users

    Dec 16, 2017
    It can be really hard to work out how much to feed and each brand has a different way of expressing this. I think you should go by what she weighs now, rather than an assumed adult weight. They should be gaining a kilo per week at this age, according to my vet, so I am taking Caspar for a weekly weigh-in as part of his walk (and to get him used to going to the vets when nothing bad is going to happen) and I use this as a guide to tell me if he is getting the right amount of food. He is 10kg at 12 weeks. If his weight gain slows I will increase his food and if it increases I will scold my husband for giving him treats! As has been already said it is a bit soon to change his diet again unless you really think it is upsetting her digestion. For what it's worth our last Lab was awful on James Wellbeloved, though it was recommended by friends. You couldn't be in the same room as him because of the wind. Caspar is on Fish 4 Dogs and has never broken wind once. It gives great little kickable poos, too.
    Dani1984 likes this.
  4. Dani1984

    Dani1984 Registered Users

    Jan 3, 2018
    Thank you for your response I just worry too much x
  5. Dani1984

    Dani1984 Registered Users

    Jan 3, 2018
    Ha ha yep treats in this house too thank you for your response I will keep going on her dry food I was wondering if rice could be an issue so she also has salmon and potatoe so will try that see how she goes x
  6. Donna811

    Donna811 Registered Users

    Nov 17, 2017
    I had concerns over my pup when I got her. The breeder told me to feed her 3 Times a day but her stools were often loose and she went a lot!! I kept her on the same food as she was weened on but changed it to 4 smaller meals and her poos firmed up! I’ve increased her food gradually according to the guides but I found that if she had even 15-20g more per meal instantly it was enough to upset her again so I very gradually increase up to the recommended amount and that seems to have done the trick but she’s still on 4 feeds a day and she’s 18 weeks old. She probably poos around 3 Times a day now so it has calmed down since she was a new pup!
    Dani1984 and SwampDonkey like this.
  7. Nibbler's Mum

    Nibbler's Mum Registered Users

    Aug 10, 2017
    Fife , Scotland
    Nibbler is a bit older but his food also says 425 a day - he has always had 300 split between three and then lately two meals - alwyas found that any more upset his tummy too. It is a large breed food but he is sort of medium sized - he’s 9months and 28 kg but looks good on it. I always just go by how he seems to look.
    Dani1984 likes this.

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