Puppy Questions

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by ange18, Jan 30, 2018.

  1. ange18

    ange18 Registered Users

    Jan 30, 2018
    Hi all, I got my lab puppy a month ago and he's 12 weeks now and for the most part things are well. But is there anything I can do to lessen the biting? He has all the toys in the world but I'm his favourite thing to chew, when he gets excited (which is almost all the time) he can bite hard and has drawn blood many times. I've just been redirecting him to his toys and giving him some time out when he bites way too hard, should I be doing anything else? While I can deal with it, it makes me nervous when he's meeting new people when they come pat him and he gets excited.

    Another question, lately I've noticed his appetite has lessened considerably. Since he first came home he'd practically inhale his kibble at meal times but for the past few days he hasn't been keen on eating, he'll eat some of his kibble then leave some (he eventually comes back to eat the rest if i leave it out), other times when I put out his meals he'll sniff it then walk away (again he'll usually eventually come back to eat it) Tonight he wouldn't eat his dinner, he eventually ate most of it after an hour and a bit but refused to touch what was left over. Everything else is normal, he's drinking plenty of water, his energy levels are the same etc, should I be worried?

    This was longer than I had intended but thanks in advance!

    RMBIII Registered Users

    Dec 28, 2017
    My lab puppy is 17 weeks old, and I went through (and am still sort of going through) the biting phase. Trust me when I tell you it gets better with time, but it doesn't get better over night. Consistency is one of the keys. Keep redirecting to toys, remove affection when being bit, and have patience. A tired dog is a good dog, but an over tired lab puppy is a crocodile. I also had to increase the amount of nap time I gave my little girl to help. I can't comment on the eating, but keep up with the rest and it will pay off. Training and keeping them mentally and physically excercised helps a lot.
    ange18 likes this.
  3. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Hi and welcome ! You are doing the right thing , re the biting and it is very normal for Labrador pups I`m afraid ! Unfortunately , whilst you are doing all the right things , they simply have to grow our of this phase , which they do I promise ! There are some pinned articles in the Puppy Section which will offer help and advice too .
    Re his food, most of the kibble manufacturers quote far too much food on their guidelines , so lessen the amount a little and see how he goes . Its best not to leave food down for too long, otherwise it can become habitual for them to graze through the day ! If you are feeding training treats , don't forget to reduce the feeds accordingly !
    ange18 likes this.
  4. selina27

    selina27 Registered Users

    Aug 24, 2016
    Herefordshire UK
    Just a thought about the kibble -- is a fresh bag or one that's been open for a while? Sometimes they can go off it when it gets to the end of the bag.

    RMBIII Registered Users

    Dec 28, 2017
    My pup had her weekly obedience training session last night. 50 minutes of intense training activites, followed by almost 20 minutes of puppy "playtime". She was so exhausted at the end I almost had to carry her to bed. Today, she is barely nipping or biting at all. That will change when she rests up, but both mental and physical activity can make a huge difference with regards to the biting and nipping. It doesn't make it go completely away (I wish), but you can get a good feel for what your pup will be like when she outgrows the nippy phase during those times. Turns out mine is a cuddler and likes to sit pressed against me on the couch. Cute at 33 lbs, but I don't know how much I'll like it when she is double the size. :D
    ange18 and Granca like this.
  6. ange18

    ange18 Registered Users

    Jan 30, 2018
    The bag has been open for some time so it might be this.

    I'll also lessen his kibble a bit and I often forget to reduce more to balance out his treats so it may just be that he's full

    Same! He's a cuddly angel after puppy school when he's tired, I cherish those moments before he's rested up and it's back to full energy and chewing everything. I like to think when they're big there's more to cuddle with :D

    Could someone explain what's meant by overtired? Thanks for all the replies, I appreciate it!
  7. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Hi and welcome. Being overtired is similar to babies/toddlers who are really tired but won't settle to sleep so they get grumpy.
    The biting will stop - I always used to put a toy in Harley's mouth everytime she started nipping. I done this everytime and the biting/nipping stopped quite quickly. Her default behaviour now when someone comes to the house of we are playing is to get a toy and bring it to us.
    ange18 likes this.

    RMBIII Registered Users

    Dec 28, 2017
    I agree with Naya on the definition of overtired. When my pup is tired she is calm and sweet. When she is overtired, she has gotten past the calm and quiet dog part to being really "naughty". Biting, grabbing things, etc. This is when she REALLY needs a nap. My now 12 year old son as the same way. Keep them exercised and mentally stimulated, but know when to make them take a nap too. It is amazing what a 10 minute timeout can do. Either they fall asleep or realize they are not behaving the way we want. And I have been doing the toy thing as well. Holly LOVES being pet, and if we can get a toy or bully stick in her mouth she will let me pet her forever while she chews on something that isn't me. And when she starts chewing on me, it is bed time.
    ange18 likes this.

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