My dad has never liked dogs. He always crossed the road if someone was walking towards us and always made and effort to be as far away from them as possible. And then the OH and I got Ella and she became his granddaughter....
Yes, I was very disappointed with her choice to breed from the same bitch again And thank you, but being his person is no hardship...he has an utterly beautiful temperament and I absolutely adore him
Stanley has been getting a bit less well behaved lately. I thought it was maybe just with other people walking him a bit more. I always take treats out with me on walks - I don't bother with cheese or chicken or anything because they're a bit manky in my treat bag. Stanley likes the pedigree chum (I know ) milky bones. It's the only pedigree thing I ever give him and he's mad for them! Last time I bought his food I got a bag of assorted biscuits and while he seemed to like them he didn't seem quite as mad. They lasted a couple of weeks and yesterday I got him some more milky bones. Well honestly, this morning he was a dream! Walked perfectly on his lead, recall was on point! It's the power of the milky bone he definitely enjoys the simple things in life!
Yup! Coco likes the Pedigree Schmackos My treat bag gets manky with roast beef and sliced frankfurter - but it washes well, so I'm not bothered. I have a Schmacko and a big Bonio biscuit in the front pocket - just in case I need to bring out the big guns.
It's 9.45pm and 30 degrees. We're sitting in the middle of five acres with bugs, frogs and roos about. When did my girl become so sensible?
I blame the heat Vanilla is the same well behaved last couple of change and she will be back to crazy pup
What do you guys do about walks when you've put your dog on a bland diet for the day? I still treat Xena heavily on walks, but I use her daily kibble allowance for it. Do you just...not treat them? Not walk them for the day?
Save some of the chicken or fish whichever you use and take that and use as treats. When Rory was ill he had small meals often so I'd just pack up a portion of his bland stuff .
I will take chicken, use games, toys and my voice a lot more and just risk it forward. My lot get more treats on warm days than on cold ones because when it's so cold I don't want to take my hands out of my mitts, the last thing I want is to be treating every five paces. It's actually an eye-opener at how they don't actually need the treats to perform. Of course, I continue to pay when the weather is nicer because I want to behaviours to stay snappy, but on those occasions where it's less easy, they do perfectly well without
I do egg for the protein cos I never have chicken just lying around the freezer I usually scramble it but I guess hard-boiled will work and I'll just reward less. She'll survive
I'm trying convince oh that Moo is a lady even though she eats her own poo, don't think he's buying it
OH took Ella for a quick walk around the neighbourhood last night. As he approached one house, there was a family of four playing a game in their front yard. They said hello as OH walked past. Ella took the opportunity to stop and do a giant poo on the footpath at the front of the house!
What you need is a tube of glitter then you could have added sprinkles proving you can in fact polish a turd.
I'm still feeling weak, so J is helping out with morning walks. Walked to the end of the road on lead, I unclip Squidge's lead and ask for a couple of behaviours before "go play" while J lets Willow and Shadow off. I look up, W&S are running around - naked. He's unclipped their collars along with their leads! Brainfart
Ugh just when I feel I am making progress with the Pig I go and make stupid mistakes and undo everything today, after walking past multiple posh women having chats whilst their calm labs wander around sniffing, I felt guilty about the Pig being on her lead and let her off to play with a spaniel. She’s been really good for a while, but we haven’t been in the woods for a long time. Of course, she bolted off into the trees and sprinted madly after deer tracks and I couldn’t get her back. I even stupidly used my special recall that I have been working really carefully on because I was desperate, of course she ignored it. I finally caught her because she stopped to have a poo, and she had lost her harness then the posh women came back, gazing disparagingly at the Pig foaming at the mouth and me sitting in the mud with sardines on my coat. Now I am about two hours late for work and want to cry.
I really feel for you @Lara, but I did have a giggle at the sardines on your coat - sorry . But I've certainly been there and done that, and I don't suppose we're the only ones. It's really difficult with the special recall not to use it, I did the magic word thing and stopped using it for ages as I decided I was over using it, then when Ripple was eating 'the thing' I used it and it didn't work. But I have used it since and it did work, so I don't know what is the best thing to do, hopefully somebody wise will be along to help soon . And just ignore the posh women, they obviously haven't got anything better to do .