Maybe we are both suspicious of her cough, but she's got a bigger booty and less of a waist and is enjoying the fab things she's getting.There is some abnormality? In her throat structure which the vet is concerned about too. She will be at the vets at the beginning of march or sooner if she gets any worse. It's just a matter of which kills her first really there's a lot going on. I stay as positive as I can but watch her carefully. She had a bad night last night and I sat with her until one. She's enjoyed her breakfast had bark and stomp but if she should go in her sleep I would be grateful because I don't want my little darling(sarcastic tone )to go through anything that at her age would cause her stress. Thanks for your concerns it's appreciated it helps getting through this. She's a tough little thing but even indestructible little blacks dogs end. I think it will be on her terms and she shows no sign of giving up or finding it too hard yet. the signs of her condition worsening are there but I can't understand why she's not worse neither can the vet. The results say one thing and her physical and mental condition say another. We just enjoy the day
Works for us I tell myself don't be sad this is mechanics off life.cope with the stuff I can apply logic too and enjoy the good bits
My annoying thing is I can easily do this for humans....but when it comes to my dogs I am flipping useless, they are so much more than we are.
They never add up do they . They are much more than the sum of their parts. Im ok I just try not to think. Thinking is the killer.
Poor Moo . I hope she’s not rubbing it or appearing to be any discomfort. Is she able to have antibiotics if another abcess develops?
Oh says it's is so I not just being nervous. I've just wrung the emergency vet. They say to keep an eye on her get her in tomorrow if she's OK but bring her if she worsens .sh*t sh*t sh*t. She's very tired.
S She's not doing anything to rub it. I see what they suggest tomorrow. We'll do what's is necessary. She's eating and is herself so its watch and wait.
It doesn't sound like Moo is uncomfortable, really hope you can both get some sleep tonight. Will be thinking of you both x