Ouch, Emily, that looks sore! Our friends who own Willow and Shadow's litter mate are both under the weather, so this evening we went and picked her up to take her for a walk, and then brought her back to ours. Three litter mates and a Squidge in our little flat; so this is what a four-Labrador household is like. Not that different to three, really. J is rolling his eyes
@Emily ouchies, some people just don't think. Somebody I knew honked their horn at me and Xena the other day...we were standing waiting to cross the road on the busy main. Just...no, think before you beep. @Rosie enjoy your Antipodean adventure! We are serious about our biosecurity so make sure you have NO FOOD in your luggage when you arrive. One apple will net you a $400NZD fine, NO exceptions. Those little beagle noses sniff everything out. @snowbunny do you have a photo of "4 labs in a flat"?
The biggest proof that you need that your baby is turning into a dream dog.. Last year when we went on holiday no one wanted to have him. He ended up at his dog walkers for 4 of the 7 nights we were away. This time we've booked our holiday and everyone is asking to have him and has volunteered. So far we've had 4 offers He's a good lad x
Sorry, no! I tried to take some of Annie but she’s a happy wriggly little thing and kept jumping on me when I pointed the camera at her! So I guess it never happened
I thought we'd had a disappointing incident yesterday. Paddling with Coco in the river, when he suddenly bolted up to the path. There was a family with a large Border Collie (on a lead it turned out). I could see them twitching and fussing, and reeling away. We didn't risk a recall. I was planted in the river, OH "ran" up to collect Coco. The family completely blanked OH and his apologies and marched on with their grumpy Collie. OH clipped the lead on & walked Coco back to me. BUT, on review later, OH said Coco was a gentleman really. He came away when his name was called and didn't pester the Collie (who was a bit grumpy). He didn't jump at the kids who were flapping about in an "eek! A big dog!" kind of way. Unfortunately for Coco, OH kept him on lead for the rest of the walk - he didn't trust him not to run after them, even though they were long gone. Coco shouldn't run up to others, I know. We didn't know they had appeared. It is continual work in progress.
I'm gunna be honest and say lately I'm losing my patience with divs when I'm walking Stanley. Stanley is an enthusiastic young Labrador, he's generally well behaved but sometimes he can have a slip and get too excited or have to go and say hello. I always get him back and apologise but the amount of rude people is astonishing. If a dog comes up to us, as long as it's friendly and it's owner appears to care, then I'm always fine and give it a fuss and let Stanley say hello. We've all been there! If Stanley was grumpy/aggressive/didn't like other dogs or I didn't - I wouldn't walk him in a place where I know I'm going to encounter a lot. I'd stick to the paths because there's no benefit to the dog if it has to remain on lead anyway. Coco is a lovely dog - and me and Stanners would be happy to encounter him on any of our walks
We were walking Monts last weekend, he was a little way behind us off lead doing some serious sniffs. Onto the path from a field (it's an old mineral railway line, quite wide, lined by trees each side) scampered 3 spaniels, almost on top of Monty. I know recall would never work in a million years, so OH turned and walked back to collect him. Their owner appeared a few paces behind them, and blew her recall whistle. Monty raced up to her and sat obediently at her feet. Spaniels.... nothing. She was a little touchy when Monty was collected from her side (by then, he's starting to nudge her treat bag, so fair doos.) Whether it was her gaining a labrador, or her own dogs not recalling straight away, I'm not sure. Strange thing is, haven't used a whistle with Monty for nearly 2 years!
Oh would have laughed my head off if I'd gained a dog like that some people have no sense of humour. Monty is just so funny and sweet
Well we thought it was funnny... maybe we interrupted a training session. It wasn't so much what she said, more how she looked But as @JenBainbridge said, on a busy path popular with off lead dogs, it's going to happen. Plus you could view it as the spaniels interrupted Monty's walk....
Well after all the fuss about the microwave we now have the big scary carbon monoxide detector . It's on the wall above the kitchen door near the ceiling and Ripple has really taken against it. He's spent the last 20 minutes barking and growling at it with his hackles up, OH tried to touch him to calm him down and he nearly leapt out of his skin. Now we're wondering if it's transmitting a noise we can't hear (although we can't hear ourselves think over the barking). OH wants to know if we can swap the detector for a canary .
https://www.facebook.com/joy.stephenson.338/posts/956598457826486 We had snow this morning! We did, we did, real big flakes! What do you mean you can’t see it? There, look on the track!
Wispa was really silly this afternoon. We were running ahead of mum and her friend in the woods and we got to a clearing, when suddenly she started barking and barking at a big white thing with big dark eyes. Mum rushed over to see what was wrong and then said, “Don’t be silly, Wispa, it’s only a snowman!” I don’t know why Wispa was making such a fuss cos it couldn’t move and chase us. It must be boring being a snowman. Tuppy