Thanks for all the advice. He's seen cats a few times as they have come down but we've had hold of him. But had a few problems getting him in crate when I've needed to pop out on school run. Basically doesn't want to go in. My auntie has been giving loads of advice so will practice throwing in toys and treats but leaving door open to encourage him that's it's not a bad place. Feel bit crap and discouraged ( I know it's early days!)
I highly recommend the crate training guide on the main Labrador Site. I followed it to a tee (actually I did it even slower) and Xena never had crate issues. She never went in there voluntarily to snooze, but when I'd go out or at bedtime all I had to do was pop the Kong in there or give her her bedtime bikkie and she'd go right in. Try not to be discouraged, give the guide a try (it'll probably take longer because he's older, but that's normal) and see how you go