The short answer is yes. This particular sheet set is the last remaining set from when the OH was single. He refuses to throw it away so I hide it at the back of the cupboard. Last week when Ella spewed on our bed late at night, I stripped the bed and got the washing in the machine. When I returned to our bedroom the OH had already dug this out of the cupboard and put it on the bed Of course Ella hasn't spewed on this one
The Pig’s nice shiny new perfect fit harness arrived today (to replace the one she lost on the great deer hunt last week). Five mins into our walk she had found some fox poo now nice new harness relegated to the washing pile along with her collar...
sorry! I'm only laughing because we don't have foxes here. But I remember only too well, Belle loving fox poo when we lived in England - awful stench!
After our walk this morning, we came home & I released Coco from the back of the car to greet the builders next door. Loose, he went to the van with his favourite builder, then walked back, heeling very nicely for a biscuit . Then he sat and gave his paw on request . The youngest builder then started off up the road to get his car. Coco bounded after him . "Hey, he's loose up the road, Love" says builder number 2 as Coco disappears up the side of a house . Thinks me - "We've got this" - I pipped my whistle and my boy Coco came haring back IMMEDIATELY . I had a lovely happy feeling as I clipped his lead on.
Do you think dogs know what kisses mean? I kiss Stanley all the time.. definitely every time before I leave the house. He always puts his face up to let me and gives me a wag of his tail and a lick back. I sometimes wonder if he knows that it means I love him
I just bought the Pig a really cute pink collar with pigs on and a cow-print one from America and the postage is really expensive and I am a very naughty person but I don’t buy myself nice shoes or get posh haircuts and it’s cold and miserable February so perhaps I am allowed
Definitely allowed! You know it's cold when the ham you have sliced into batons freezes solid in your treat pouch.
EEk! That IS cold. I feel rather a lightweight now for stomping around our walk this morning singing "I'm so cold! It's really chilly"
Tough today pretty sick but I managed to get Mr soppy to see the vet. Going out again in a bit. Been up all night but knew there would be a window if opportunity in the morning between stomach disturbance and high temp to get him there. I didn't dare risk the bus so we walked and Rory was such a good boy. I'm sure they must smell that I'm not good, they really up their game. He walked beautifully and even helped me get over the scary bridge. He kept looking at me and doing his lovely labrador grin they are such kind creatures. I'm resting now he's sitting at my feet he understands I not my usual fun self and it's ok. I can be myself be sick and they don't mind.
Rory always makes me laugh this tiny stroppy poorly socialised and trained bully of a tiny dog always has a go at him. The owners just let it they seem to think it's funny Rory usually ignores it and we go away but today he just cocked his leg up it. Well it stopped barking at him and looked a bit damp. His job done Rory walked off I swear he smirked. I nearly died his owners didn't look too happy but tough you shouldn't let the little s**t Hassel my dog. So funny am I a bad person ? I told him he was a good boy.
He weed on the stroppy dog? Bravo, Rory, bravo. Maybe that'll give the owners a thing or two to think about. I'm glad that Rory takes care of you in his own way when you're sick. You've got a lot on your plate, I'm constantly amazed by how you manage.