Really nice stuff and have a lovely hot bath in fluffy lavender foam, after entertaining oh and doing a big dog walk.. I had to put eye drops in Rory's eyes last time I taught him to sit in a certain spot and wait and then I put them in. It went really well and he found it less stressful. This time he knew what to do and just sat and waited because he understood. It goes so calmly now he's such a good boy he didn't forget and gave me the go ahead to pop them in. He is getting so good at making desitions for him self. I really crap at spelling today and am repeating myself
Oh my! I have seen the sweetest photo ever today. I'm on a local Facebook pet page, and every week they have a competition be the page banner photo for the week. I don't often enter, because Coco's ex would see it, I only post Belle or Scooby occasionally. This week, the theme is "your pet as a baby" - the lady with Coco's brother Rolo, who looks exactly like Coco, posted a picture of him - he's was so sweeeeeet . She posted a couple more when I thanked her. I nicked the photos - oops, naughty me! I also learned he is from a litter of 11. I only know of Rolo & his friend Thor (never met them, but seen photos), and a sister, Cassie, who we met at training a few times.
My lovely-but-sometimes-a-bit-naughty Squidge had a little trip to the pub for a presentation for new ski instructors. It was busy there, so I found a corner and put her in "middle" where she stayed happily for ten minutes with the occasional bit of food dropped to her. Not long ago, she'd have become bored and would have started barking. I think she's growing up, yay!
Had an interesting walk had a lovely time saw some people and dogs. It was raining so it was peaceful but I notice some boys having a" smoke" and a bit if a drinky in the kiddies play area. They then started to vandalise the play area and moved in to the toilets the pulled out all the toilet roll and chucked it in the trees and got all the sanitary bins/nappie bins out and threw them on the roof and smashed the tiles. After shouting screaming and smashing things up they left. Another dog walker called the police and i told them what had happened they were the same as us horrified but not surprised. Doubt they will get caught nasty little articles.
We all were it's an amazing play area the kids love it. It's more like an army assault course. The toilets are/were good too, ideal for the families that use the play area and everyone else. Unfortunately there are some vile people about. We only hope all the dog walkers who stood together and watched them put them off enough to not do too much damage. We're a diverse and moltly bunch with big dogs dripping wet and looking annoyed
Flipping heck, you do see all sorts! My only hope is that these kids mature in time and become law abiding citizens.
No........ And when Monty turns his nose up at kibble eventually OH'll be the first to say, "why WHY? We need to be stricter with this dog"