Such a relief to hear Stanley's come through it and is back to normal. Our Scooby originally came from a small-time drug dealer, and the story goes he stole her stash of cannabis once. Poor sausage. It didn't leave any lasting scars thankfully.
Have been thinking a lot about Stanley - what a horrible thing to happen to him and so pleased he is ok.
A big smile from Stanley to confirm he's back to his best. Thank you all for your kind thoughts and words. We don't know what we'd do without this forum!
Ahem - the bed and the pic of Stanley on his bed? I mean, the smile's great but we're expecting the bed . . .
I googled the one you were talking about with Labradors on it, it's just lovely!what bed style are you going for, as there were a number of them with that Labrador pattern on?
We've got to wait two weeks? That bed looks great! Is Stanley getting toys as well - or has he had those already?
He's getting those tomorrow. He's also considering the birthday party. He doesn't really say no to anything right now. He just keeps saying oh but there'll be a lot of poo in the garden - can't help it that Stanley is so popular!
Gosh Jen, I have been away for a few months and so sorry to read how ill lovely Stanley has been. Glad he is on the mend Is the bed for Stanley or your OH? xx