Is Eggaland far away from 'Straylia too? I want to play in the snow but we don' have any here....even in the cold
No, I've never been stayed Joy...but I have an idea if you're bored - do you have stitches in you? If so, you can take them out with your teeth, that's fun. I did that when I lost my was brilliant! They made me wear a big plastic thing round my head after that, but it was worth it. I lived in a lonely kennel then, and it really helped, because I got taken on a trip out to the bum man which breaks up the day when you're stuck in a kennel. Even the bum man is fun then. - Coco
Coco, I've looked for stitches but I don't think there are any. The fur on my tummy has gone though and I'm not allowed to lick where it was. Not allowed to run or play or jump or swim. Have to wear a stoopid vesty thing at night to stop me licking my tummy when the hoomans are asleep. Mother says I have got stitches but I can't see them because they are inside me. I'm going back to see Chris vet man (bum man) later today. At least as you so wisely say this is a trip out but not much fun when Mother keeps me on my leed and keeps saying steddy Joy, steddy and what good is all this snow when I can't play in it? BORED. Oh! looks like I might be getting an extra kong! I'd better be GoodgirlJoy again now!
We had a great splore this morning. Dad and his friend Jim took me walking in the woods to look at bits of rock. We followed some paths, but a lot of it was finding paths and jumping over trees. Jim says I'm wonderful at finding and following deer tracks, but of course I am. My nose is MUCH better than his!
My mummy is really poorly. She's got a stummik bug. She's being sick a lot and this time it's not because she has drank naughty things. Daddy said I'm in charge because he has to go to work, so I'm taking really good care of her. Stanley
Stop press - I am no longer allowed Chicken. That means no chicken wing at breakfast, no treats and no warm succulent roast chicken. I had to go to Bum lady again. She just looked at me and then all the hoomans talked. Was in there for ages and ages. I have spots on my tummy and ears, so now I am on more medication, have to have a bath twice a week. When we left my hoomans mumbled something about 'they provide the xmas party for them'. Dont know what they mean, but I like party. I am sulking so much now and dreaming about chicken...I think I can smell steak and cheezzeee...
Chicken makes me have spots in my tummy and itchy ears too. There's plenty of other nice things in the special cupboard and cold white cupboard so don't worry just try to look hungry and even cuter than normal and they are sure to give you some xxx Rory
NO CHICKIN!!! I'm so sorry Sven...but I'm sure your hooomans will give you other yummy things instead.
Thanks Rory and Maxx, well daddy went and got loads of other treats yesterday. I now have more fish, some roo, lamb and beef. I like all those, so guess it is OK Vanilla you live in 'Straylia too? 'cos I had some roo the other day! Dad said it is the venison of 'Straylia. He cooked it on the barbie and it was sooooo good.....but I only got a liddle bit and it wasn' fair. But then I had pea puray in my kong and it was delicious
Yes I do live in straylia too...yes it kind of is the venison, but I also had that the other week. This is so confusing....I think I need a sleep, but first I will have a treat...
If you've got spotties on your tummy you have to eat stuff you've not had before it's great I had all sorts. My favourite is roasted sweet potatoe stripps they are yum Miss V and venison and and wild boar all kinds if fish. I got dried fish cubes the are so crunchy yum. Oh and bunnies ears lambs face skin goats ears all yum. Dried apple strips . occasional lambs throats, dried tripe. I'm so hungry. Rory
Wow Rory, you get lotsa great stuff. Dad said venison is too 'spensive so we just get roo. I jus had my dinner and had chickin' (sorry Sven), rice, peas, roast pumpkin but Im still starving. Had plain old kibble in my wobbly kong for lunch. I heard that I might be getting sardeens tomorrow...yum. Dad was talking to a lady while we waited for Mum to get off the big car bus thing and she said she feeds her labbydor chickin' carcases. Not so sure 'bout that. I don really like the car except it takes me to the park so I don' know if a chicken car would be very nice
I don’t have spotty tummy but I do have itchy armpits. I think this is due to not enough chikkin. Please confirm. Love, the Pig x
I’m a deprived dog. I only had rice for supper yesterday, not even chicken in it. Mum said it was because I had been silly again and eaten poo, then later I sicked it up. She wasn’t very pleased, but she said at least I sicked on the tiled floor and not on the carpet, so I suppose I did something right. Somebody please snd me some chicken. Wispa
I suspect not enough chicken but also lack of cow poo. The cow flops are all crunchy round here. Never had crispy cold ones before. Rory
Yes that is true! Fanks Dr Rory. I am supplementing with a lot of frozen bunny-currants but obviously don’t have the same armpit-conditioning properties in other news, Pig mummy gave me the most rubbish walk ever last night. She was complaining that she couldn’t feel her paws and I didn’t care until I realised that meant she couldn’t pick up my kibble to play games with it and she tried to give me my squeezycheezy after I had done a good retrieve and she couldn’t squeeze the toob! It was so rubbish we had to go home. But then I got all my kibble in my bowl and there was LOADS