Umm I think I did wrong this morning. I found a big mound of soft, squishy poo on the road and I ate it. Mum was NOT happy. She said "that was dog-sht Coco!". She went on and on and on about Filthy Muck Hounds, Dirty Dogs, Revolting Creatures...I thought I'd blown the chance of a run in the field or on the beach, but bless the Great Galoot - she'd forgotten by the time we got back to the car, so I did those speshul Dog Eyes and went to the door where the ball is kept and YES! We went in the field!! I love to chase my ball. Trying to decide if the poo was nice or not... - Coco
Wow! A DUVET?! I'm going to have to try looking supercute - do you think it might work? Tuppy PS Wispa says it's a plot against your evil twin, whoever that is...
It's irresistible, but I've found that the thing NOT to do is to go and pant near your humans when you've eaten it. Mum says even worse things then! Mum's nudging me and saying something about justyouwaitandseecocosgoingtobesick poorcocosmum. Whatapityyoudon'tlearnwhathappenswhenyoueatpoo! Wispa
I only ate poo once and then I was sosososo sicksicksick everywhere and I felt really REALLY bad so I don't eat poo now. Mum says she thinks it is lucky that I ate poo when I already had a bad stomach bug so I have learned an aversion to it. I have no idea what all that means. But I don't want to eat poo.
Yis it will work but you also have to do a fake shiver and get cold ears. Then your mummy will say ‘oh no puppy are you a little cold piglet?’ and you’ll say ‘yus mummy very cold and cute’ and she’ll say ‘well maybe you can have the old duvet just for a few hours’ and you say ‘yus mummy just a few hours because I am really cute’ and then it’s yours forever as long as you don’t hump it. I might fall down on the last bit of the plan at some point soon.
Bleaurgh. Pigs do not like doggo poo. When I find some I have to tip-toe round it and sometimes it smells so bad I have to do a bum-tuck run away from it. I also have to do a bum-tuck run away from my own most of the time. But bunny-currants, calf poo and deer nuggets are a different story
I haven't been sick yet. I've had my tea & I had treats this morning for not barking (I told you she forgot quickly). I think, on reflection, I like poo. - Coco
Ging is being very lazy she's not gone to work and won't take me for my walk. I need her to take me out and go to work so she can buy me nice things. Moos gone to sleep I'm so bored. Rory
Hello Pig, fancy being allowed a DUVET! Mother put my downstairs bed by the fire for me and that was nice but now I must work out how to get a DUVET! I often have my ears inside out and Mother says that cute squeaky yawns are my spesheeality, Do you think this is a paw in the right direcshun? Still not allowed off lead after being stayed last week. Very very BORED.
I'm bored too Rory. Perhaps we could meet up and play and runrunrun. Oh, no I forgot, not allowed to play and runrunrun because of being stayed. Did the zoomies round the house after my boring walk on the leed thismorning. Mother says she doesn't think I'm reely ment to do zoomies if I'm not allowed to play but am just so bored.