I was reminded this morning of something I was going to post when we had a deluge of snow here in the UK a week or so ago. Maisy loved the snow and as I could not get to work for a few days we spent a lot of time in the woods and park etc. However, apart from the obvious pitfalls - chasing sledges and screaming children, falling into freezing ponds etc. - there was a lot of snowmen. One that Maisy found and was sniffing around had grapes for eyes and luckily I got hold of them before she did and put them in a bin. As for birds, well now that the snow has gone from my garden I found a grape strewn about my garden (that's one grape in lots of pieces) I am assuming by birds. So even though we assume our garden is safe, and snowmen, always be vigilant!
I know my fruit and this was one large red grape, possibly with blackbird size peck marks. I have yet to receive the DNA results but I am thinking it originated in Spain via Tescos. The snowman eyes however, were green. Yes I know, red grapes would have been much better but what about coal and a carrot like we used to use?
Hmmm. Not sayin' nuffink. There might have been a certain brown hairy terrorist running around with a carrot-nose in her mouth at one point this winter...