Some geezer tried to bum me today I didn't even know him. He didn't even ask nice so I told him gggr, and he got off then he had to go on his lead. What a rude boy,. I ignored him ging says I was really good ignoring him. We had a nice walk I had lovely tea and I'm going to give my squirrel a chew and have a nap . Rory By the way my squirrel is a fluffy squirrel not anything weird,. Just in case I know what you lot are like
Oh Maxx, when I was reellyreelly little I took mum and dad for a walk and we found the most AMAZING THING! It was like mud but better and it was a HUGE pond of it and I jumped right in and swimmed and swimmed and swimmed, and I got this lovely stuff right over me and on my head and in my ears and everywhere. It was lovely. But you're right, hoomans are weird, mum and dad wouldn't get close to me after and they hosed me down and rubbed and put soapy stuff on me and hosed me down again and put more soapy stuff on me and hozed me down. But they still said I didn't smell good. They are just wrong, I smelled AMAZING. But I've never been able to find that place again, we don't seem to go that way any more. Mum says things like no-pongo-we-are-NOT-going-back-to-the-farmers-slurry-pit and she looks a bit green. Sigh.
Umm Coco? You are very brave and everything and do have good stripy legs n’all but I am now suspecting you are also a kibble-brain. You LOVE the HOZE?? You mean the Nasty Evil Hozey Sea Snake that I know for a fact is friends with the sea monster that almost nommed me in the river once?? You can’t love the Hoze Monster!! You just can’t! Kibble brain!! Love, a horrified Pig x
My lovely piggle-iggle, I am NOT a kibble brain, no way. I am a most clever boy. My speshul stripey legs and my filpperty-flopperty ears show all that 'n' all. The hoze is such fun. I do try and bite it, but's in jest. The seamonster is diff'rent. It eats my beach. Every day. The hoze plays with me. Go with it, piggy-wig, go with it. - Coco
Hmmmm you are probably right Coco, kibble-brains generally don’t have stripey legs AND flipperty-flopperty ears at the same time. In fact I also have flipperty-flopperty ears and I am a clever-brain. Perhaps you have a friendly Hoze-monster, if there is such a thing. I wouldn’t turn my back on one though in case it bit my pig-bum
I didn really like the hose Coco I only like it when Dad is pointing it at the plants and then I try to bite it. I like to nick it off the wall and drag it around the yard. Once I put the nozzle thing in my mouth and squeezed and all the water came out and I hosed the porch and Dad and the kitchen when I ran inside with it. That was the first time Mum mentioned braking and furry necks. Still haven figured out what that means. Slurry sounds great fun Pongo I hope we find one soon.
I am home and Red’s home - so eggcited. Mumsie and Daddy Hooman have been to Switzerland and Austria on planes and trains - they are looking very tired and keep yorrning. I had the best time at my second home - I was quite lazy as I didn’t have the puppy Red pestering me to play. Don’t know where she has been - they say the kennels but she has grown and is taller than me now! I think she has had lots of playtimes as her body looks all muscular. When Daddy Hooman took us for a walk, she ran really fast along the dyke whilst I went for my swim in it. Sky
Oh the shame of it. I am told I have FLEAS! Just because I scratched several times in the night (and woke the Galoots up ), they say it must be fleas I've had that nasty stuff put on my neck and now my lovely soft fur is sticking up. I look a right sight! - Coco
Thing is Coco that I never had fleas before I came to live with ging. You didn't either well no one mentioned it probably. Logically I could have only picked up fleas from fleabag ging. We must be picking them up from the monkies it's only logical. Never had em before Rory
I am sooooo tired this afternoon. Mum has had 4 days off wurk so we have been for lots of long walks. Today we met my friends Gus, Amber and Maisie. We had loooottts of fun getting muddy and chasing each other. Mum said I was a really good girl as I ignored 2 dogs who came running over.......I got sausiges for ignoring them. My just sed we are going to see my hooman poppy as it’s his birthday - I gues I had better give him extra licks as he loooooves me He always gives me lots of treats!
I went to the pub. There was a dog there. I was a bit grumpy at first when he tried to come over and I went wuff at him, but Mum took me away and rubbed my tummy until I forgot about him then I went and sat quietly in the corner, even though he kept on staring at me. I couldn't help doing my soft puppy-dog eyes and happy face when I got an ear rub for being a good boy. Everyone thought I was very hansum (it's true) and well behaved (also true). I'm super tired now. Being a good boy is sleepy work! Shadow
One day I will go to the pub, Shadow. Mum says soon, dad says why? I hope I can get ear rubs when I go. Ear rubs are so.....dreamy. Oh! Oh! by the way - we had our first barby queue of this year. The air was a bit cold but the fire was warm. I don't get too close when it's leaping with flame, it's a bit scary. I had some sossige, some steak burger and and some chicking. And then dad toasted some bread for me. I think It was a good night. - Coco
I had peetza this morning. I wasn't sure about going out this morning because my bed was sooooo comfy but then I saw mum put leftover peetza in her magic bag, so that was it, I was sold. Peetza is definitely worth going outside for. Willow
Had a good morning went out for a walk and saw one if my old boyfriends and I even managed to canter up to him. Obviously he was pleased to,see me i mean who wouldn't be it's me . Had a bit if a sniff and came home bit stiff now but the monkey butler just given some horrid stuff so it won't hurt so much soon. I'll need a nap now. I would just like to say I've still got it boys love me. Moo wobbly but still magnificent
Uh oh. Mummy is stressed. She's got a big eggzam on Monday and she bumped the car last night. Daddy was mad for a little bit but then he saw mummy was upset and I was looking after her (because I'm the bestest) he was nice to her. I'm going to sit with her today while she's reading and give her supportive licks because I'm a GOOD BOY! Stanley
I've done gardening stuff today cuz it was a nice sunny day. They hate gardening but I think it's great fun. We were clearing a big bramble. They cut it and put it in a big bag, and I pulled it out again. Even with it's ouchies, I still pulled it out . We went to the tip. Twice. I love going to the tip. We parked next to a car with a Husky. Me 'n' Husky yacked and yacked while the Galoots distributed the rubbish to the various points at the tip. I always feel very important when we go to the tip. But I'm never allowed out of the car to rummage. The sign says "No Dogs". Humph! There's so much gear there. - Coco
We did gardening too when got back from my .walk. Moo came gardening too but she fell asleep in the sun, i helped ging I carried plant pots I tried to empty the bags of cut up plants but ging said go and get that plant pot everytime I did. I tell you Coco she's obsessed with that plant pot. Rory