Scent marking off-leash

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Geri W, Mar 26, 2018.

  1. Geri W

    Geri W Registered Users

    Mar 26, 2018
    I have a Labrador who is almost two and I have been having problems with him trying to scent mark other dogs. Understandably it makes their owners annoyed but I have been struggling to predict when he does it and how to stop the behaviour.

    He tends to only do it during the initial greeting but only chooses specific dogs and not others (I haven’t managed to spot a pattern so I find it hard to know when to call him back to avoid it)

    The only way for me to completely avoid it is to have him on leash all the time but I don’t want to completely take away his freedom when at the park and all the other owners start to assume he is vicious or aggressive.

    Does anyone have any advice?
  2. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Welcome from me, Hattie 10 years and our rescue boy Charlie 7 years. Does your boy only scent mark females? I ask because I walk with a friend and her Doberman and he marks my girl Hattie but never boys. Just a thought. :)

    After the initial greeting could you quickly distract him with a ball or treat?
  3. Geri W

    Geri W Registered Users

    Mar 26, 2018
    Thank you for the warm welcome!
    He does it on both males and females and the dogs can be big or small. I’ve been trying to attract his attention before he does it but I’ve not really been able to. He tends to lose interest in his toys and treats when another dog comes by and is only interested again once he has finished the greeting.
  4. Geri W

    Geri W Registered Users

    Mar 26, 2018

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