We went to the dog park on Sunday and OMG OMG there were 'normous dogs there and hoomans were riding them! We weren allowed in that area so I couldn't go and greet them. Pfffft. We were only allowed up the other end and then Mum and Dad wouldn't let me off the leash in case I ran up to the 'normous dogs. So we went to the river instead and I had a big play and splash...it was fun. AND THEN we went to the park yesterday and there was so much 'normous dog poo Dad wouldn't take me in! I wanted to try it, it smelt soooooooo good. NOT FAIR! Hoomans have to pick up our poo, how come the owners of the 'normous dogs don't pick up theirs? Dad not happy. Said he's gonna complain to the council - whatever that is. Mum and Dad think they are hilarious. They have changed my Avatar to the very unflattering one pretending to give me a glass of the smelly stuff they like to drink with their dinner. Get a life hoomans. The dinner was yummy though - chickin, rice and veges. My fav'rite
Forgot to mention that Mum just started at something called Wait Wachers and Dad said to be careful 'cos she is HANGRY.
Maxx, that big dog that you saw was an Ors. Their poo is really yummy so try to run away from your hoomans next time so you can eat some. But that is all they are good for really, I wagged my tail at one once and it snorted at me which I thought was rude because I was bein’ a Polite Pig but as long as they carry on making yummy poo I don’t mind.
An Ors! yes I think that's what the hoomans called it. They looked stoopid with their ribbons and stuff....but yes that poo smelt deeeeeeeeeeeelicious. Drats!
Ging is mean I smelled a good smell on the park and she said oh no you don't Mr pointy nose in the air and put me on her rope. It smelled so good and she wouldn't let me go to it I sat on the grass and cried. She had venison sausage so I went in the end but I hurt my paw too so the evil thing wouldn't let me swim or run and I had to go home. It was a rubbish walk ging is Mean. She won't let me near dead things or swim mean mean mean Rory
We went on a meet the Ors day once - I had to be polight to the Ors but they were rude back to me as well Pig, I don't think they are tort any manners. I wasn't allowed to eat their poo either and I was only trying to clear up for the hoomans . Ripple
That day, I also met a cow: and sheeps: and a big-ass scary duck: It was all very tiring meeting the animmuls.
I know about Orses. Sometimes I go stay for the day with my friend Moss, and she lives with lots of Orses. Her hooman has to take them for walks because they are too stupid to go on their own, but she has to SIT on them. Moss and me go with her to make sure they don't get lost. My mum said she thinks Moss's hooman is very brave to let me go with them but I heard Moss's hooman tell mum I was byootifully behaved. Did you hear that? Byootifully behaved. And she said I was even more byootifully behaved than Moss. I was byootifully behaved, yes I was. My mum just doesn't appreciate my talents. Byootifully behaved Pongo.
I've seen Orses. They clippy-clop down the road. I'm always very good when they go past becuz they can be spooked, my mum says so. I've never seen it, but they look very big and a spooked Ors doesn't sound like a good idea. They do very nice poo, I can vouch for that. - Coco
Willow, I think you are lucky you dad is holding on to you - that Ors is so big it might have breathed you inside it. - Coco
Ha ha! Mum fell over in the mud this morning. She just twisted and slid, quite gracefully, into a sit and sat there. I thought "....what would Rory do?..." So I went over and licked her and stood in front of her. She was stuck, between 2 trees. "Thanks Coco, you're really in the way there" she said. Eh? She was rocking back and forward, trying to get up...i did laugh a bit, if I have to be honest. She struggled up and was plastered in mud down her behind bit....snigger snigger. All was good though, I got some more ball Chuckits and some fun recall games - happy end. - Coco
Whoa, that duck is 'normous! The ducks we have here as liddle ones waddling around the pond. I'm sick today....sicked in my bed, in the kitchen, in the laundry, on the porch. All while Dad was trying to get Mum's kibble reddy for her to go to work. He was a bit stressed but reassured me that I didn do anything wrong. He said I must stop putting everything in my gob 'cos eventually something will make me sick. He is joking right?
Dunno Maxx. I had a ded wyldbore hed in my gob yesterday and that didn't make me sick. Gave me zoomies, though. Squidge
I wish I knew what's up with Mum lately, I think she must be frightened of getting lost as she keeps attaching herself to me with a reeeally loooong lead . She even put it on my harniss at the beach yesterday. I don't know what she's worried about, I always come back and find her after I've finished eating. Ripple
Hmmm Ripple, are you in trubble for something? I am. I went down to the swamp again yesterday with my new friend Stella who is a very norty 8 month old choccie labbydor. This time I got hosed AND shampooed! So today had a rubbish walk around the streets and Mum kept stopping and making me come back and then walk beside her. I hardly got to sniff. Mean Mum; I didn mean to go to the swamp but Stella made me!!!