For those that aren't tired of seeing my name yet lol.... Last night (2nd night home) seemed a little less frantic. He went to wee and poo before hubby crated him for bed. We use the dog cam so we can see him from bed. He woke up about 3 hours later (half 1 ish), he let him out, he did a wee then took him back. He cried for half an hour then slept. Cried about 20 mins later bevause he was sick a tiny bit (think he ate some grass despite us stopping him all the time). Then slept from about 4 until 7. I also crated him for the school run (put him in with a kong) and he went in, door shut and napped no worries. The difference in not even 48 hours is crazy. I know things can regress at times but at least I know he can do it. Because he's getting more confident and secure, the playful boisterous side is emerging. Scaring the youngest two kids a bit because he's puppy playing with teeth and claws. Also humped my eldest leg this morning lolol
I am loving your updates. Please continue posting! It helps me remember that I don't want a puppy now while at the same time have ahhhhhh moments along with you. He sound so adorable!
It sound like he's settling in really well. Please keep the bulletins coming as they bring back happy memories of Hollys first nights.
Thanks everyone He even took himself to the back door today and scratched at it for a wee! Small wins!
What a clever pup. Keep up the brilliant work and keep praising and yes keep posting. My puppy is now 8months the time flies by and they don’t stay small for long.
That's huge progress, well done all of you! And just be warned - Xena made my then 8 year old cry every single day until the croc disappeared (17-18 weeks). It was an unpleasant few months in the Dog Princess household, let me tell you. So just keep that in mind with your kids, they can make puppyhood even more stressful than it already is!
That's good - it almost sounds as if he's read the book so far! He'll probably have some blips - and go through the crocopup stage for a while too - but he's settling in really well.
It's like you live with us....crocopup came to visit today! Let him out of his crate this morning and it was like he was possessed! A crocodile/lab/kangaroo hybrid! I wasn't expecting it out of nowhere today and all the kids were terrified as he was fairly chilled yesterday lol! Snap snap snap for most of the day today. Wore himself out I reckon as gone into his crate tonight without so much as a whimper! (Top right of the crate next to his teddy) lol
If I were you I would move him slightly from the books when he gets a bit bigger he might nibble them. Also if he gets explosive diarrhoea he will squirt on the books same if he's sick. I've been there he's just a bit to close makes me feel a bit hot just looking at it. ive had curtains that are dripping poop with a grid pattern in them. they can squirt it a long way sorry to be so graphic.
That’s just what I thought too! If there’s no room to move it, put an easily washable piece of cloth or a towel over the crate so that it hangs down the back and sides, or even some (disposable!) cardboard. He looks very snug in his crate and it’s good that he’s taken to it so well. It will give you some time out from the crocopup, as well as being a calm sanctuary for him!