I am so very sorry, a terrible shock for you and heart breaking, the pain of loss of a beloved dog is searing. My neighbours have three cats and one didn't come home, he was found dead in someone's garden, it had been snowing and his footprints just stopped and he lay dead. He was taken to the vet and the vet said he died from an embolism (blood clot), so perhaps this is what happened to your beloved dog. xx
I'm really sorry for your loss. The only good thing about it is that your dear girl knew nothing about it and didn't suffer. Terrible for you though.
So sorry for your devastating loss. I totally understand the way a dog can help you in troubled times and give you a reason to get up in the morning. She looks a beautiful dog in the picture
You are not alone, Frosty. The thoughts and feelings you have, plus the thinking that this is a nightmare from which you'll wake up..guess are familiar to all of us, and they are to me. It doesn't lessen the pain knowing there are quite a few of us who have gone through this, but, as @SwampDonkey put it, we all get it, we understand you. That maybe helps in some little way.
Yes, life is so unpredictable... and given that on most days, I was her only other 'pack member', my hugs, kisses, belly rubs, and back massages was my way of returning the love and companionship she gave me.... miss her terribly.... we tend to forget on most days that life is short and we need to live it to the fullest each day and share the love we have to give to our family....both 2 legged and 4 legged...
Yes, it does help. Thank you. To share my grief with others who have known the pain of losing their companion animal helps ..... thanks so much for the support and compassion....
It took us 7 years to finally decide to get another Labrador after losing our first boy, gorgeous Benson. I am truly sorry that you have lost your best friend and yes we all need to live life to the fullest each day.
I am so sorry for your loss. She was obviously so well-loved and had the most perfect life for a labrador! The pain must be terrible right now. It would be lovely if you could stick around, maybe one day when the time is right share a few more photos of your dear girl with us. Kate x
Sorry to hear you have such a painful loss yourself; however, I am glad you decided to once again share your love with another companion animal ... it is a risk we take when we give our love to another living being...knowing we are vulnerable and will be so hurt when lose them; however, in order to enjoy a full and rich life, this risk is necessary and so worth the journey.... thanks for your sympathy...
Thank you for your compassion. Yes, I do hope she did not suffer... if she had to pass away, I would like to believe she did not have to endure a lengthy painful process as she was too sweet of a soul for that .....
Oh, what a painful loss for your neighbour....sincere condolences to them... yes, it seems like my vet has the only explanation that makes any sense at this time, given that she seemed to rule out a burst of a possible tumor after she felt her abdomen and area, and said there was no bruising, no redness around the eyes, and the suddenness of death.... Thanks for your sympathy.... It will take some time to heal my broken heart.
Thank you for your sympathy and gracious words... I do hope she felt well-loved and I really tried to do everything I could to give her a long healthy life and a life of fun and activity---we both enjoyed together....
Thanks so much for your kind words. Yes, she was a source of love for me during the stress and grief of losing both of my parents in separate ways (after caring for them as seniors) and for other life experiences, as well as a lovely companion for our mutual love of the outdoors.... her good looks matched her kind and gentle personality....
I'm so sorry. Yes, a member on the other board just reached down for his first thing in the morning pat and greeting to his young dog who slept beside his bed and the dog was cold. He was only two years old. Necropsy revealed it was a heart condition, not hemangiosarcoma. I forget what the ailment was, no sign of it previously. Two, only two years old.
Thanks for your sympathy. What a tragic event to have such a young puppy pass away... my sincerest condolences.... it breaks my heart to read this as I am aware of the pain .... that is why I say to others, life can be so unpredictable, in honor/memory of all of these sudden deaths, including my sweet girl, please lab owners, give your lab a hug, kiss, belly rub, back massage, or whatever attention they yearn for today, (and every day) as you just never know what the future holds.... that is what I did with my lab.... so that I would never have any regrets should something happen....
I’m so sorry. This is devastating and heartbreaking. Unfortunately, I have no advice to give but my thoughts are with you during this difficult time x
So sorry for your loss. It is often so hard for those left behind, unprepared for a loss. We have a Rainbow Bridge section if and when you feel you want to share more about your life with your boy x https://thelabradorforum.com/forums/the-rainbow-bridge.36/
Thank you. It is comforting to share with fellow lab owners and lovers especially, given that they know the love of a lab and the bond that develops with such a special soul.
Thank you for your sympathy. Yes, the sudden death is difficult to process given how healthy my sweet girl was at the time and given that she was just running around playing in the snow, like any other wintry snowy day. Our bond over 10 years was strong given that she was my only "child."