Hello again I have some doubts about the first days of the puppy in home. Do you advice to to take a blanket to the breeder because of the smell of the mother and the siblings? And what do you think about feeding the puppy inside the crate? Do you have some tips to make the first days more easy? Thank you
I´m thinking in my visits take the blanket with my an in the last visit before I take the puppy home let the blanket with the breeder.
I took our pup’s bed to the breeder. The mother dog promptly lay on it! I also rubbed a fluffy teddy on the mother. To this day - 6 years later - it has survived and still on his bed. Other fluffy toys have been dismembered and disemboweled, but not Teddy.
Yes, I took a blanket and left it with the Mum and the rest of the litter, I am sure it helps the pup to settle when in a new home and missing the warmth and company of litter mates. It must be very difficult for them to be in an entirely new environment and all alone from everything else they have known previously.
Yes, we got a blanket that smelled like mum/pups and two toys to take home. I carried her in my arms in the blanket on the way home and she still has it today.
And yes, feeding the pup in his crate is a good idea, helps develop a positive association, and look forward to going in there. Leave the door open, and just pop the food in, let the pup come out when finished
Throw away any preconceived ideas that you are prepared or have any understanding of having a puppy in your life. Try to relax and don't be too hard on yourself. Enjoy everything as much a possible and remember they grow and develop quickly.
I think in feeding inside the crate because of the positive stimulum and because I have another dog (13 years) and two cats, who I have sure that will try to steal the puppys food. My cats love dog food,i don't know why, and my another dog eats everithing.
Puppies are so cute. But I just felt stressed, and also felt I’d taken the wrong pup - made the wrong decision. It took till my pup was 10 months that I felt he was mine. Such a waste of that magical time. If you are stronger than me and can just enjoy the puppy time, you’ll have my envy!! I adore my boy now. If only I knew then what I know now! Have you thought about where you want your pup to sleep when he’s older? I wish we’d trained ours to sleep in the kitchen cos he disrupts our sleep to this day by moving around the bedroom all night. It would break all our hearts now to make him sleep away from us, but it’s something I’d have done differently. I’d have started him in the bedroom until he was settled, and then gradually got him used to sleeping downstairs away from our bedroom.
I usually sleep with mine until they are settled. It only takes a little while and it helps them settle quicker. Do you know if you will be getting a boy or girl yet? Thought of any names ?