So, I discovered a very small (about pin-sized) bump on my 1.5 year old lab’s right shoulder a few weeks ago. I’ve monitored it, it has not increased in size at all, and does not bother her whatsoever if I mess with it. About a week and a half ago, I noticed a little white head on it, and without much poking, some pus came out. So, I made sure all the pus was out (which did not smell foul and was white in color, not very thick) and cleaned the bump well. I’ve continued to monitor it, and when I was looking at it again today, the white head was back. So, more pus came out, but much less than last time. Does this sound like a cyst? Or like a hair follicle that might have gotten infected? I have to take her to get some updated vaccines within the next 2 weeks, so I was going to get it checked out then, but I was just curious if anyone else has experienced this. Thanks!
I don't really know. Do you have a photo? I am only guessing here, but if a little pus came out, then another white head formed, there is still "something" that needs to come out. Best let your vet have a quick look
It sounds like a sebaceous cyst to me. If so, it's nothing to be concerned about, but I'd have the vet look at it to be sure.
Definitely one for the vet. Pus = infection of some sort particularly as the 'head' reformed and produced more pus.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a photo of it right now. I can try to get one whenever I make it home from work, if Piper will sit still for long enough. Thanks!