This is what I do in assemblies - he is rewarded as soon as he lays down by me chucking a treat at him, but I totally ignore him aside from the treat being given. He did a whole 15 minute assembly today without getting up once! Was well impressed
That is impressive for such a young pup! I wonder, was he switched on or off? If he was relaxed, having a snooze etc that's brilliant! If he was in "work mode" and on alert then it's not a real settle and, as you say he thrives on working, would need a little more work in a less exciting environment to be able to switch off properly. Some dogs find this easier than others. I have one who is really good at switching off and one who is almost incapable of it! I didn't train him to settle well from the start and wish I had. He's very good at staying in place and not fussing me, so it doesn't bother me that much, but he is always the one to let me know if he thinks it's time for food or a walk. The others are all happy to wait until I'm ready.
I think he was probably switched on if I’m Honest. Usually if he’s relaxed he’s in a curled up position whereas this was more a ‘down’ if that makes sense
Brilliant! I find ‘settle’ the hardest of all the things to teach the pups. Keir has got it now - but only just in the last couple of weeks! The problem is anticipation of food. It was the same with Mollie. With the next pup I’m going to try harder!
I started off giving him a treat every minute or so.. then extended it to every few minutes and then once he had been down for about 10 minutes I gave him his Nylabone (which he’s not a great fan of)... extended it out and when he ignores it and pawed my hand for more treats I just offered the Nylabone again.. within about 5 minutes he gave up and then just conked out. But bearing in mind this was a primary school assembly with children clapping etc I’m absolutely gobsmacked!
So... Maslow likes climbing We can now jump on the armchair and from there his crate... and more importantly raid the toy box on top of it. I should have named him bloody Mowgli. I mean it’s his toy box but even so.. Anyone had a lab x cat before? Dog is honestly going to give me some type of heart failure.
This morning we were playing ‘find the kid’ so my son (12) was hiding in the house and I would hold maslows collar and whisper ‘find him’ my son would then call him and Maslow was off like a rocket. It was actually absolutely adorable. By time we had finished he was responding just to ‘find him’ and then just searching the house for him. Bearing in mind my son is ASD and very prone to being lost in crowds I figured this might be a handy trick to teach him! I’m surprised by how easily we are entertaining him in the house - I remember this stage with Leo, my older dog, and by 12 weeks I was desperate to get him out for a walk as he was SO bouncy (CollieX) despite hours of training. That said when Leo was a pup I had a 3 year old and a 1 year old to cope with so maybe my memories of hours of training is slightly inaccurate lol. That said Maslow has forest school at work and a 1 acre field to wander on so I guess the weekends are easier lol. He has his last jabs on Wednesday!
I’m not convinced it’s anything I’m doing if I’m honest - one of the governors at the school commented on ‘how well trained he is’ already - I’m fairly sure most of it is luck - he’s only 11 weeks old so if I’m honest I’m waiting for it to all change! Slightly concerned at how he will manage the school environment after we break up for summer - 7 weeks off work, I’m hoping it doesn’t coincide with a fear period!
They love indoor games. I hide food round the house and toys etc. All mine loved it whatever age, From silly bouncy pup to wobbly frail dogs. I only did the 3 dog food hunt when oh was out because it always looked like a burglar had been busy. But 20 mins of this type fun would leave tired and happy.
Ridiculously so! And I now break open the meds in a Tupperware bowl to catch any strays. I genuinely think one more call to the vets and they will report me to the animal version of social services
We got a good old chomp on a bully stick today. I’m not convinced I’ve ever seen a dog so happy. He did little puppy jumps and everything when he first got it