CAT Walking back through the village green where the grass is taller than usual. Charlie was interested in something so the lead went tight as he investigated, all of a sudden out sprang a cat all claws out, screaming it then proceeded to attach itself to Charlie's chin it scratched him causing bleeding Charlie was in a little bit of shock so he just barked as the cat as it let go and scarpered. I cleaned the wound and put some antiseptic cream on it. I think maybe it was a wild or farm cat as it was next to the drying barns. Extreme cat behaviour Poor boy was looking so sorry for himself! xx
Oh poor Charlie! I hope he’s ok. My last Lab was terrified of the local cats. They used to sit on our garden path and prevent him from passing - made me so cross, I used to spray water at them. Molly’s much fiercer and thankfully we don’t get many cats in the garden now. (Can you tell I don’t like cats?)
Oh Charlie! Double check it didn't bite him. Scratches are one thing, but a cat bite is thoroughly unpleasant.
I LOVE cats. I would be worried about rabies, I'm so glad you don't have that. We haven't had a rabies report here for a long, long time but..... Maybe there were kittens nearby? Maybe Charlie actually stepped on it or something? Cats are like most other animals, running away is their first choice, unless cornered or defending babies. If Charlie was bitten clean that wound very thoroughly and keep an eye on it. Cat bites are dangerous. As per a course I took on how to treat bites in humans; cats and dogs have cleaner teeth than humans. But cat bites tend to be deep puncture wounds so bacteria can be deposited deep and get sealed in. The Doctor said his hospital always treats cat bites aggressively. I was bitten myself just a few months ago and went straight to a clinic. It was two months before my hand was completely back to normal
Poor Charlie, what an unpleasant surprise. I wish the two cats who live near me were like that, the only things Rourke chases are cats!
Charlie sounds like a calm boy. Must have been an unpleasant experience. Please give him a ruffle from this random guy on the internet.
Poor Charlie, what an unpleasant experience for both of you. Hopefully his scratches heal quick and he's not knocked by it.
Poor Charlie! Not only did he get physically attacked, his pride is at stake as well. Maybe you could tell him it wasn't a farm cat but an escaped cougar? But seriously, that would scare the bejeezus out of me if a cat just jumped out from no where and started wailing on my dog. I hope he heals up quickly, poor boy.
Poor Charlie. I had a cat that was raised with dogs and played with them, but when she had kittens she’d attack and chase a strange dog out of the yard. I also had a cat that we raised from a kitten and when she was an adult would attack just one of our dogs. She got rehired.
That must have given you both a massive surprise! I echo what the others have said about bites - if you have any suspicions, he'll need antibiotics asap. I also wonder whether he might have disturbed her kittens? I'm sorry but that's hilarious There's nothing better than a staunch cat.
Poor dear Charlie. Hope he's OK. Cats really are the business sometimes aren't they? We had a similar experience a couple of days ago when Plum showed interest in a cat, she was on the lead so couldn't do anything, she looked to me, got a treat and as we wandered away it pounced on her from behind! Neither of us could quite believe it. No blood drawn, Plum was a bit shaken and gave a few barks, cat was looking for trouble so we moved off sharpish! @Joy's story reminds me of my uncle's cat, many years ago, who used to sit on a piano stool between the lounge and kitchen and whenever our dog, or my uncle's dog, dared to walk past, the cat would swipe them with a paw!
Poor Charlie . Hope his face us all better know. There's a cat that lives on our morning walk route that all puffs itself up and starts stalking us. Jen of course would love to say hello regardless of how many times I tell her that the cat isn't friendly . One of the downsides of growing up with 2 cats she wasn't allowed to chase so never had reason to hiss or hit her .