Broken Foot and so much energy

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by LoopyLuna, Jul 1, 2018.

  1. LoopyLuna

    LoopyLuna Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2018
    Hi everyone - I'm completely new to this forum and have been reading how much everyone has found this community a bit of a lifeline. We are well and truly in the midst of the Puppy Blues and even regretting our decision to bring a puppy into our lives (even though we've been planned this for 2 years) and would really welcome any advice or words of comfort from anyone who's had a similar experience.

    Luna is 11 weeks old and we've had her for 3 weeks. The first week was a complete whirlwind of being sleep deprived and bowled over by how much this gorgeous bundle of fluff had hijacked every last bit of our routine. The second week was a complete disaster because she wriggled free from my boyfriend's arms during a wee stop and fell awkwardly on her front paw, breaking 2 of the small bones in the foot. She's only a baby and we felt absolutely terrible that this had happened, and as first time puppy owners it really knocked our confidence, and we're so reluctant to pick her up unless we have to. The past 2 weeks have been really difficult, especially in this heat wave trying to keep her cool when she's got a massive splint on her leg and a cone on her head. She isn't able to run, jump or exercise more than 10 mins on a lead. Indoors, we have to keep her confined to a small pen area on a rug so that her splint doesn't slip on the floor.

    I worry that this set back will really affect her behavioural development because she's so cooped up. Does anyone else have any past experience of this, or any words of reassurance for us.

    We are doing our best to keep her mind busy - we give her each meal in a Kong Wobbler and often give her frozen filled Kongs to help solve the problem of the heat as well as something to focus on. We take her out in the garden on a lead every time she needs a wee/poo and then stay out there a little while for her to sniff around. While we're not keen on picking her up, we have had to be strict with taking her to new places - the pub, the playground, local school or just to see the horses in the next village.

    Despite this though, we're still really struggling to challenge her energy, especially at the end of the day when she becomes frustrated and over excited - keen to play but unable to play appropriately which means we're constantly ignoring her. It's really difficult to keep her attention to do a short bit of clicker training indoors, impossible to walk her to the garden on the lead, and downright painful to play with her and her toys in her pen - our hands and arms are more appealing than her toys. Left to her own devices she's happily chew off her bandage despite the cone.

    Any words of kindness, reassurance or guidance relating to an over exuberant, injured puppy would be very well received. We are finding this so hard.
  2. Stew

    Stew Registered Users

    Mar 5, 2018
    Wow, you guys really have had a tough time of it. An 11 week old puppy is hard enough never mind an injured one that you need to keep occupied.

    My advice/thoughts are as follows:

    - You are absolutely doing all the right things. Managing her injury whilst still socialising and interacting with her positively will negate any potential issues caused by her enforced rest.

    - Consistency is key when dealing with behavioural issues such as biting and the pen is actually an asset if used correctly. Anytime she puts teeth on skin or clothes, swap for a toy and if that doesn't work stand up and get out of the pen for a few seconds. Slowly it will sink in that biting causes playtime to pause.

    - Starting to reward settled behaviour will, in time, teach her that calmness is rewarding. This can get off to a rocky start as it's difficult to deliver a treat/piece of kibble without breaking the settle and initially, as soon as she's rewarded, then it's gone. Stick with it though and soon you'll become a kibble-delivering ninja and she'll start offering calm behaviour...eventually :)

    - The fact of the matter is that puppies are hard and the extra issues you are facing just make that even more difficult. It's clear from your post that you care for and are committed to Luna. I think you need to take a step back now and again to recognise that and give yourselves a pat on the back. You had a setback but with patience and love you have years of happy dog times ahead.

    - Finally, it does get easier. I'm a novice owner too and Ziggy was 18 weeks on Saturday there, he's MUCH easier to deal with than he was at 11-12 weeks. Despite the accident you are giving her a great start in life and the effort expended now will pay off.

    Good luck and keep us posted!!
    lucy@labforumHQ likes this.
  3. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    What a pity you've had such a difficult start with Luna. It's so easy for puppies to wriggle, so try not to let it knock your confidence.

    You seem to be doing all the right things, as @Stew has said, so keep going with that routine. How long will she have to have the splint and cone? Whatever the length of time, it will be worth doing exactly as the vet advises, difficult though it is.

    The only answer to protecting your hands and arms (in addition to distracting with toys) is gardening gloves and long (thick) sleeves - not easy in this weather! I'm sitting here rather wishing I had long sleeves on at the moment, as I've been working on the computer while waiting for a phone call and my 4 year old lab tried to distract me by grabbing her vetbed and pawing my arm, resulting in a long scratch! She's now lying quietly beside me, as I yelped!

    I hope Luna's paw heals soon and this all becomes a distant memory. Do let us know how she gets on.
  4. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    My Lab broke his elbow at 16 weeks and he was 8 months old before he could have proper exercise and it was a nightmare! So I do understand how you are feeling, but with broken bones in his paw it shouldn't take that long!! These are the things I wish I had done and that was to put him in the car and go to a supermarket car park, put the back of the car up and let him watch the world go by, this can be quite mentally tiring, do the same a a children's play park etc etc You are getting him used to the big outside world as well.
    selina27 likes this.
  5. LoopyLuna

    LoopyLuna Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2018
    Thank you Granca, Stacia and Stew - your words are really encouraging and it was very touching to hear that you think we're doing a good job. We are certainly trying to do our best but with no experience of this, we really have no idea. Stacia, I love the idea of taking her in the car to a supermarket carpark, that's a brilliant idea - we will try that this weekend. It avoids us having to carry her as well.

    Granca - the splint has been removed now after 2 weeks and replaced with a padded bandage but now a plastic cone because she keeps destroying the dressings. This bandage will be removed at the end of the third week and then she has a week's rest without a cone. Her foot is really weak after being in the splint so it will take a while to strengthen up. There is light at the end of the tunnel at least, and hopefully the Xray in a few weeks will give us reassurance that things are fixed.

    Stacia - you poor thing, how did he hurt his elbow? How is he now? Is it a distant memory for him too?

    This evening was an improvement on previous evenings. Instead of taking her outside and have her biting me or writhing around eating the lead, I went and sat outside with her for half an hour and let her play with a frozen Kong. We then played in her pen for half an hour and I stepped out when she started biting. But instead of barking for me to come back, she settled down and after 3 rewards for being quiet, she fell asleep. It might be an anomaly, but for now I will treat it as a mini-success!

    Thanks again - your comments really have lifted a bit of the fog :)
    Stew and MF like this.
  6. Stew

    Stew Registered Users

    Mar 5, 2018
    Go Luna!! :dancesheep::doug:
    LoopyLuna likes this.

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