My baby is a little over 2 years old. Black lab. He weighs 92 pounds. Yes, he is a big baby. Not fat either...his doctor says he is just a healthy specimen of a dog. Lol
Our 19 week old yellow make is 47.2# (about 21.5kg) He isn’t fat, I can feel his ribs. Our vet says he will probably be 100 lbs.
Wrigley is 15 weeks and weighs 30 pounds. Her dad weighs 90 and mom weighs 65. Our 2 year old weighs 79
Chewie is only 10.5kg at nearly 18 weeks. His ribs aren't visible at rest but maybe he could do to be a little chunkier. He is all legs. Interestingly we are feeding him more than the recommended amount on the bag because he was looking too skinny on the recommended amount.
Pepper was 4kg on 8 May, 5.6kg on 27 May, 10kg on 18 June and 15kg last week. He's quite slender but starting to grow into his legs.
Alfie had a trip to the vets today with a gunky eye so asked them to weight him while we were there , he’s 10 months and weighs 28.5 kg.
Hi Isla is 23 weeks and weighs 20kg but I've just met another pup the same age out on a walk and he was much bigger than her, he towered over her. She lost weight when she was poorly a couple of weeks ago, should I be worried
I've just weighed myself on the scales, then done the same holding Holly. Maybe not too accurate? Holly is 19 weeks old and weighs 12.5 Kg (27.55 lbs). Her parents are working dogs, Holly is quite leggy. FB4B5387 by Andy Aveyard, on Flickr
Hello fellow lab owners... Had our 20 week old chocolate lab weighed yesterday, she is now almost 18kg. She was 6.5kg @ 8 weeks, 9kg @ 10weeks, 12kg @ 13 weeks & 14.5kg @ 16 weeks. Weight gain seems to have slowed ever so slightly over the last couple of weeks as she gets taller and has started stretching out. Her mom was a big working dog (c.35kg) so I reckon Coco will probably end up somewhere around the 30+kg mark once fully grown!
I took Sadie to the vet today for her second set of shots. She’s 10 weeks old today and weighs 20 lbs. Vet said she’s happy with that weight for her age.
Hi, So what should be the ideal weight of 12 months lab ? Are there any visual points/red flags based on which we will come to know that my lab is over/under weight ?
There are indicators (see below) but there is no ideal weight for a 12 months lab because they vary so widely according to type and the genes they inherit from their parents. There is a chart on this page with weight in pound plotted against age in months, and the chart was made from recorded weights of dogs belonging to our own forum members from around the world. You'll see there is a huge range in natural size of Labrador Retrievers. Dogs that are at the extremes of the weights shown on this chart for their age, might benefit from a vet check, and obviously puppies that have been starved will be underweight, but weight alone is not a good guide to the health and proper development of a normal family pet puppy. Indicators of normal development: That page also tells you how to tell if your dog is growing and developing normally. And whether or not he is overweight or underweight based on his frame. Hope you find it helpful