Lab slightly stand offish

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Chicane1992, Jul 7, 2018.

  1. Chicane1992

    Chicane1992 Registered Users

    Jul 7, 2018

    Im new to the forum having been reading the many threads and reading pipas various books.

    My partner and I are looking to buy a 11 month lab from a breeder who had it returned due to the owners ill health. The dog has extremely good lines and the breeder is a well known gundog breeder/training school/club.

    We visited once to view and everything was fine. He was a lovely dog, happy, tail wagging etc. However, when we turned up he was slightly aloof, (i think) he was wagging his tail and bouncing around, but wasn't really interested in us. Didn't let us stroke, just jumped around. The breeder did say this was common for him with new people. Is this a cause for concern? The breeder has had him for 1.5 months as they wanted to ensure his tempermant was good before they sold. Once he got to know us he was fine. Let me playwwith his toy when he had it etc, Has good basic obedience, walks well on a lead, is used to kids and currently lives with over 15 other dogs with no problems.

    We have a second viewing next week as we expressed our interest and paid a refundable deposit.

    Any help would be great.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2018
  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Welcome to the forum ! :)

    It's always difficult to comment on a dog that you haven't seen. But there are some indicators here that might concern me a little bit. Most dogs are fine with people that they know. It is really a dog's reaction to strangers that says more about them. Aloofness is common in many breeds but is not a classic feature of a Lab, and my personal preference is for a Lab that wants to be everyone's friend. My current Labs include the entire world on their best mate's list and that is how I like it :)

    If I were in your position I'd want to see how this dog reacts to children he doesn't know, because aloofness in a Lab can sometimes be a sign of nervousness. If you are planning on having kids or spending time around kids, I think seeing how he behaves around them is pretty important.
    Tammy Cooke and EmmaHughes like this.
  3. Chicane1992

    Chicane1992 Registered Users

    Jul 7, 2018

    Thanks Pipa,

    It is difficult, he wasn't similar to other dogs breeds i.e doberman etc however was just interested in his current owner and his dummy. He did come bounding over when we walked through the gate. Just sort of ran past us. When we were left alone he came running over and was constantly playing with us begging for a belly rub.

    We did ask as a priority about children. They did say that the club members bring their children and hes fine. They are an assured breeder which suggests they wouldn't sell a dog that they feel is fearful.

    We are planning on kids in the future however don't have any currently so it is difficult to see how he would react.
  4. Chicane1992

    Chicane1992 Registered Users

    Jul 7, 2018
    Pippa* sorry! And thank you for the welcome
    pippa@labforumHQ likes this.
  5. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    That sounds okay. Will the breeder let you have him on trial for a few weeks so that you can see if you all get along together? If so, that will also help you see how he copes in everyday situations and give you more confidence in your decision.

    I'm not trying to put you off (or encourage you to take on a dog I have never met) :) The chances are he is fine, and just a little confused and upset by his change in circumstances. But there's no harm in being cautious.

    Whatever the outcome, let us know what you decide and how you get on
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2018
    Tammy Cooke likes this.
  6. Chicane1992

    Chicane1992 Registered Users

    Jul 7, 2018
    Thanks Pippa

    I didn't ask about that if I'm honest! There was a massive amount of interest in him, luckily I saw the ad the minute it went up. I think we are going to take him on and introduce him to new people and go from there. See how he reacts. We will discuss the option of returning in the event we arent happy! We were asked alot of questions about our situation so hopefully that means they care!

    I will definitely keep updated on here.
    pippa@labforumHQ and Tammy Cooke like this.
  7. Tammy Cooke

    Tammy Cooke Registered Users

    Oct 9, 2017
    Hello and welcome
    I was initially going to say that labs are mostly very affectionate and nosey but some labs are reserved and it might be his recent change in scenery that he is slightly aloof. How long was he with his previous owner for? He’s been with the breeder now for 1.5 months, is this right? He may very well have settled in to the new environment. I think Pippa’s idea of fostering him for a few weeks to see how he goes is a very good idea. You’ll then know for sure, I’m almighty st certain he’ll be staying for good though
    Chicane1992 likes this.
  8. Chicane1992

    Chicane1992 Registered Users

    Jul 7, 2018

    I think I may used a bad choice of words. He wasn't reserved in the sense that he didn't want to come near us, he just wasn't overally interested. He ran up to us and let us rub his head, however, only briefly and then bashed his dummy for abit. Its probably me worrying! He is a young dog so probably just wanted to fetch!

    He was with his owners from 8 weeks up to when he was given back. So 8 months or so.

    We will definitely suggest this to the breeder. Or see if they will refund fully if we aren't happy. Im very confident he will stay!
    Tammy Cooke likes this.
  9. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    We'd love to know how you get on. Lots of fun ahead :)
  10. QuinnM15

    QuinnM15 Registered Users

    Apr 13, 2016
    My lab can be described a bit similar...not interested in being pet/getting tummy rubs and will run over to say hello to people at our home, and select people on walks but is overall fairly aloof. Add in a ball or retrieving and she is not interested in people at all - her focus is solely on the ball! I think it depends on what sort of dog you would like to be part of your family. Our extended family don't like that our dog is not "cuddly" but she is with us certain times of the day, and she prefers to curl up next to us on the couch rather than be pet. She is perfect for us!
    selina27, Plum's mum and Chicane1992 like this.
  11. Chicane1992

    Chicane1992 Registered Users

    Jul 7, 2018
    Ill definitely keep you updated! Got 2 weeks off when hes here to settle him and introduce him to different sights and smells. See how well he deals with things.
    pippa@labforumHQ likes this.
  12. Chicane1992

    Chicane1992 Registered Users

    Jul 7, 2018
    Dont see it as a problem personally. Guess all dogs are different!
  13. Chicane1992

    Chicane1992 Registered Users

    Jul 7, 2018
    Thought I'd update as I collected him today. Has gone better than I expected so far. We were greeted by a bouncy friendly dog when we turned up. Chatted to the breeders, exchanged vet documents, chip number and money. I bought a harness for the car as I have a saloon currently and even though he had never worn a harness it didn't bother him in the slightest. He jumped in the car and didn't bat an eyelid all the way home.

    We did pop into a pet store on the way back and took him in with us. He was so friendly to everyone! A little girl (toddler) was at the exit and he loved her. She was giggling away stroking him. Luckily he seems fairly un interested in other dogs.

    So far so good. Took him for a walk this evening and he was fine. Put him on the long line and he didn't stray 5m away. I threw a dummy and kept walking in the opposite direction. He followed me each time.

    Hes currently led on my feet ready for his first night! Will be interesting to see how his behaviour develops over the next week or so.
    edzbird, Jules67 and selina27 like this.
  14. Saffy/isla

    Saffy/isla Registered Users

    Jun 1, 2018
    Brilliant! Let's hope he's found his forever home with you, have fun.
    Chicane1992 likes this.
  15. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    What a great start! Hope he had a good sleep and that things continue to go well today :)
  16. Chicane1992

    Chicane1992 Registered Users

    Jul 7, 2018
    He had a little bit of a whine but I stayed downstairs for an hour, he nodded off so I went upstairs and not a peep. Last night was fine.
    pippa@labforumHQ and selina27 like this.
  17. Chicane1992

    Chicane1992 Registered Users

    Jul 7, 2018
    Little update, hes not doing great when I leave the room or put him in his crate at night. Whines alot and sometimes howls. At night once he's settled in his crate hes fine. It's this likely because he's new to this environment? Or an attention seeking or seperation anxiety behaviour problem? Hes extremely attached to me at the moment. Wont leave my side.
  18. AlliumPurpleSensation

    AlliumPurpleSensation Registered Users

    Jun 3, 2018

    He sounds just like Woody who has now been with me and my partner for 6 weeks.

    Woody too follows me around as I do the majority of feeding and walks but the more time my partner spends with him the more he looks out for him.

    We also had a few days and still some random night time barking but it gets better each day / night as he starts to feel more secure. I didn’t do crate training as the plan was for him to sleep in the kitchen but for the first few nights I sat in the door way so I could reassure but this wasn’t needed for long.

    I have now bought him a collapsible crate as we will be travelling and I just left it open for a number of days and Woody just choose to go and sleep in there. I have never shut it yet but it’s not needed.

    I also went to some outside social training classes which was great and a huge bonding experience.

    We do have a few random barking issues but they seem to be linked to when he hears new noises which he hasn’t experienced with me or my partner around first.

    I really do thing it is just time, routine and consistency.

    Chicane1992 likes this.
  19. Chicane1992

    Chicane1992 Registered Users

    Jul 7, 2018
    Thank you, im probably jumping the gun as he has only been with us 3 days. If i give him the kong wobbler he forgets im there and doesn't moan at all.

    Im trying to get my partner to do more training and bonding with him, as currently I do almost all of it.

    Hopefully it starts to decrease over time.
  20. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    The chances are he is still feeling very unsettled. It will probably take him a week or two to feel more at home. Everything is still very new to him.

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