Labrador Puppy - Crate Behaviour Help

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by bruce18, Jul 24, 2018.

  1. bruce18

    bruce18 Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2018
    We've recently brought home first family dog, all our knowledge and methods are coming from looking online and advice from breeder. Luckily the breeder must have been training them before 8 weeks because our pup is surprisingly very good in terms of going to the toilet outside and we've only had a handful of accidents. We're now on day 6, we're using a crate as we hope that in the future the dog will be able to stay home alone without any issues for 4/5 hours at a time. Obviously that isn't realistic as a pup and for the next few months we will always have someone at home with him. But heres the problem.

    He doesnt seem to like being on his own as he always tries to fall asleep next to our feet and follow us around,
    Everytime we put him in the crate he just cries and whimpers, eventually leading to howling and barking, he will stay in the crate when he's tired and he sleeps in there at night downstairs in the hall but only when we place him into it. He wakes us up by crying every 2 hours at night and when I take him outside he always relieves himself...
    Is he not capable of holding it in yet for longer than that? Or does he just want attention? He never sleeps in his crate during the day unless we put him in there and with it being warm weather in summer he seems to enjoy sleeping on the wood hard floors through the day as its cooler, his crate is filled with two blankets...

    Does anyone have some advice to stop him crying in his crate? And also how we can get him to stop crying at night?

    Thank you.
  2. Mango

    Mango Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2018
    Ljubljana, Slovenia
    This is normal, it will go on for a few weeks.

    As for crating, if he barks and cries non-stop, try to reset crate training. Just make no fuss about the crate, put in and around treats frequently (lots of treats or just kibble). When the puppy goes in on his own praise entusiasticly every time.

    My pup slept on the carpet next to my bed for more than a week before going in to the crate by himself. First he just moved around, played with chewing toys and went straight out when he was sleepy.

    He doesn't love the crate, he never did, but he knows it is his place to sleep and eat (I can't trust him when he is alone in my room anymore, he is now bigger and can reach my plush toys souveniers, so crate is always closed for his naps).
  3. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Hi there and welcome. And congratulations on your lovely new pup :).
    It may be that he can hold it for longer, but once he is upset, emptying his bladder is a pretty natural thing. Have you considered having him in your room at night for a couple of weeks? If the crate is next to your bed and he sleeps all night because you are near and he feels safe, then you can be pretty sure he is just crying because he is upset. Once he has settled in his new home then you can move the crate (in stages if necessary) into it's intended position.
  4. bruce18

    bruce18 Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2018
    Thanks for the advice! Last night I moved his crate from the hall into the living room where our family is in regularly, he only woke up twice through the night as opposed to 4/5 times, so hopefully there is more progress.
    What would your advice be for leaving him in his crate through the day when nobody is home? What can I do to settle him now early before he gets his next vaccination as i cant yet take him out for walks? If there is anything I can do...

    Again, thank you.
    pippa@labforumHQ likes this.
  5. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Crating isn’t the best option for a dog that is left alone for much more than a couple of hours a day. So you’ll need to consider alternative ways to protect your furniture etc from puppy teeth and to make arrangement for your puppy to go to the toilet.

    The options are usually a large sturdy puppy play pen, part or all of the day in doggy daycare, or a visiting friend or dog walker that can let your dog out once or twice while you are not there. Or a combination of the above.

    Working full time and keeping a dog can be done but it usually requires some effort and some money too. Have a look at this article: Raising A Puppy While You Work for more info

    And at this Crate Training article for information on crating times and crate training generally
    lucy@labforumHQ likes this.
  6. RafaNadog

    RafaNadog Registered Users

    Jul 26, 2018
    We had a chocolate lab until about 5 years ago. We just got a yellow and I am questioning this Nah...he's a good boy. Our first night I had him in the crate next to the mattress on the floor (worked perfect because we just moved). He literally had to rest his skin against mine thru the metal. That lasted 4 nights. Then we moved the crate next to our bed, my side. I literally had to hang off the bed for him to see me. He wanted out 3-4 times a night and I took him since I thought his bladder wasn't developed. Keep calm when you get him out and stay focused. He needs to go right back in. Mine now comes in and knows it's still nighttime. He walks right next to me to the bedroom and gets right in expecting a treat. That lasted 3 weeks. But now that he is 13 weeks, he has me up all hours like a baby. I finally said it had to stop. Just two nights ago, I told my husband to go to the spare room after the 2:30 waking. I put him right back in and well.....he lasted 45 mins and wanted back out. I ignored him. He barked 30 minutes and laid down. He slept until 5 and I was happy with that. I didn't want him to feel overwhelmed so I got up with him for the day. Last night, he went until 4:30!!! YAY! Came right back in and never barked. HE LEARNED THAT QUICK. He slept today until 6. Things get better but you MUST let them cry it out to learn. He had my number waking me every 2 hours. Smart dogs! GOOD LUCK ---- Also, we have a second crate in our family room. He started very early going in there to just rest with the door open. That was perfect because I felt like he was comfortable and more eager to let him cry it out in there when necessary. TREATS help!
    bruce18 likes this.
  7. RafaNadog

    RafaNadog Registered Users

    Jul 26, 2018
    OH... and I no longer have to hang off the bed. He feels safe enough if he just sees a large lump up there under covers. :) Also, during the day, we never crate for more than 2.5-3 hours. Luckily, we are able to do that.
  8. bruce18

    bruce18 Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2018
    It seems like the best option is to let them cry it out sometimes! Since this thread he's been getting up twice each night as oppose to 4/5 times. But he sleeps from 10:00pm til around 5:30am and I take him outside at 12:00 before I go to bed myself. So the two other times inbetween 12 and 5:30 are him whining and when I let him out the crate and take him outside he always relieves himself. So starting to think maybe with his age he'll just learn to sleep for longer? He doesnt like to be in his crate whatsoever during the day unless we pick him up and put him in when he's midway through a nap! Luckily he has my grandparents house down the road too so more often than not he wont be alone because they cane come round to be with him and also take him to their house. But we're thinking of trying to leave him for short periods in the crate so he can get used to being alone... we dont want to reinforce that someone will always be there with him. IF anyone has any other advice I'd be welcome to know :)


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