Poorly boy?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Browneyedhandsomebuddy, Aug 18, 2018.

  1. Browneyedhandsomebuddy

    Browneyedhandsomebuddy Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2018
    Hey all, spoke to soon when I said to Pippa that the crate was going great and he was sleeping through ha ha! Had a bit of a bad night last night, but it was down to illness rather than routine.

    So last night we did the normal thing of down at 9 and out for a quick wee at 11, but then he was whining at 12.30, not normal for buddy, so thought it best not to leave him. Took him outside and it was straight to the decking for quite a soft poo. Straight back in and back to sleep but whining again at 2, oh dear I thought.

    Went back to him and he’d been sick in his crate! Back out for more runny poo, but seemed absolutely fine, tail wagging and playing etc. Only thing that concerned me a little was that he was kind of pawing at his head just once or twice which I haven’t seen before, could be nothing and he’s not doing it now.

    Anyway he went back at 3 and got up at his normal time of 6.30, out for a wee and a firmer (but not solid) poo. Very happy and playing etc. I thought I was nailed on for the vet this morning but he seems absolutely fine.

    Only thing I can think is that he’s either managed to eat something he shouldn’t, or, we have been giving freeze dried natures menu chicken treats as he is on a raw diet, he had a runny poo the other day when he had them, so we stopped but tried them again yesterday. Obviously I’ll be avoiding them now but I would not have thought that 100% natural dry chicken would have done this?

    His diet hasn’t changed at all, he is on natures menu puppy nuggets, chicken salmon and rice I think they are, and his poos are normally very firm.... anyway any thoughts would be appreciated, I will obviously take him to the vet if he shows any more signs, and he has second jabs Wednesday so I’ll mention it then if he’s ok till then, thanks all
  2. FayRose

    FayRose Registered Users

    Jun 8, 2015
    It could well be the treats. Can you see the 'full' ingredients? There could be something there that's upsetting him, or it could just be that they are too concentrated.

    Perhaps try using some of his daily allowance of grub as treats for the time being, he may tolerate other things better as he gets older.

    I am a bit confused though as you say he's on a raw diet but is also on chicken salmon and rice nuggets - or, more likely I'm misunderstanding your post ;)
  3. Browneyedhandsomebuddy

    Browneyedhandsomebuddy Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2018
    Thanks, he’s been fine today, so I’ll avoid the treats and see what happens. Yes he’s on a raw diet, but I’m buying natures menu completes, I’m not doing diy from the butchers etc. They come in handy frozen nuggets, Buddy is on the puppy nuggets, raw chicken and salmon with some rice and veg all in one
  4. Aisling Labs

    Aisling Labs Registered Users

    Jan 6, 2018
    We've been through this with our little Roamin this week as well. (11 weeks old). Two nights of pudding piles, then all day drinking and eating and playing as normal but with no poos at all until just around midnight followed by the whine to go again every 90 minutes or so. We put him on two days of boiled chicken and rice and a dose of yogurt at his lunch time and finally, he went all night without needing to go and this morning a soft but correctly formed poo emerged. One more day of the boiled chicken/rice and yogurt and tomorrow I'll begin re-introducing his kibble perhaps with a bit of pumpkin mixed in for good measure.

    Although there is a possibility of a parasitic issue, normally for our puppy's it has been something they ate while outside - a bug, a plant, who knows. They are like vacuums and as observant as we may be, they will at times scoop up something that sends them on a crazy loop for a few days. Our last puppy, now 15 months old, ate a caterpillar and was vomiting everything up even water at about this same age (July 2017). 24 hours of syringing pedialyte and water every 15 minutes and giving him fingertips of Karo Syrup every 30 minutes followed by 24 hours of boiled chicken and rice and then a slow re-introduction of his kibble got him back on track as well (all of the above upon the advise of our Vet).

    Once you've given their digestive tract time to heal, IF the issues come back, then it is time for the Vet to take a look. While things are off, remembering that dehydration is the biggest danger is key and then that a slow reintroduction to the normal diet is needed as their digestive tract is still healing.
  5. Browneyedhandsomebuddy

    Browneyedhandsomebuddy Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2018
    Thanks for your detailed response, he’s been fine today, eating and drinking, just had another poo, quite soft, not diarrhoea but it is a bit mucousy? Think I’m in for another night of it! Is mucous expected with an upset tummy? If he’s the same tonight it’s the vets in the morning definitely!
  6. Saffy/isla

    Saffy/isla Registered Users

    Jun 1, 2018
    Hi we had the same with our pup and after first time, followed by 48 hrs of boiled rice and chicken she was fine, then a week later she was very ill again, visit to vet both times.

    On the second visit he gave us antibiotics and I'd taken a sample of poo with me, this was sent off and she had "Giardia",I think it's called, which apparently is quite common in pups, so don't risk not taking your pup just to check nothing like that is going on with him.
  7. Browneyedhandsomebuddy

    Browneyedhandsomebuddy Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2018
    Thank you, well he was fine last night, much to my surprise! He got up at 6.34 on the dot (that seems to be his time ha ha) out for a wee and a soft but getting firmer poo, still a touch of mucous but he’s happy as a pig in sh.... this morning. Hopefully just an upset tummy and a little bit of mucous still to be expected. He has the vet for his second jabs on Wednesday so as long as he’s ok till then I’ll get them to check him over, I guess they’ll need to make sure he’s fit for the jabs anyway. And if there’s anything before I’ll definitely be going, thanks again!
  8. Brian4dogs

    Brian4dogs Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2018
    Lots of pups have the runs in the first few days, new routine, new bugs to meet, usually nothing to worry about. Just let your vet know what's happening. The little guy should be fine.
  9. Browneyedhandsomebuddy

    Browneyedhandsomebuddy Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2018
    Thanks, he’s back to normal poos for now so we’ll keep with the treats we know he can tolerate. The food has stayed the same throughout, and we don’t give him anything else so fingers crossed! And I will mention a few things to the vet on Wednesday, can’t wait to get him out socialising, hopefully the next couple of weeks will go quickly for us!
    Brian4dogs and Plum's mum like this.
  10. Aisling Labs

    Aisling Labs Registered Users

    Jan 6, 2018
    It's the Vet for us tomorrow morning as well. Roamin had 48 hours of solid poo and sleeping through the night. I began to reintroduce his kibble 1/4 cup 3/4 rice and chicken yesterday and then last night, we were up every 90 minutes again. Back to square one. So time to see the Vet.

    This is the FIRST time I've ever dealt with this. We've had bouts of vomiting with a 12 hour fast and 2 days chicken and rice and full recovery, but I've never dealt with this pudding poo all night with any of the Labradors I've raised.

    As for the mucus, Roamin has that too, so I'd say that you and I may be dealing with the same issue - some kind of parasite.
  11. Browneyedhandsomebuddy

    Browneyedhandsomebuddy Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2018
    Thanks, hope everything is ok, let us know how you get on, we’re at the vet Wednesday with jabs so we’ll see what happens before then.
  12. Aisling Labs

    Aisling Labs Registered Users

    Jan 6, 2018
    Update on Roamin' - He went on a seven day round of antibiotics and nine days of probiotics. He finished the probiotic on Wednesday and had pudding poo all night Thursday night : (

    Fecals are all still negative so we put him on another probiotic and are switching him back to the food the Breeder had him on - she said that her line quite often have an issue with Purina Pro-Plan which is what we feed the rest of our pack so we are going to go back to Eukanuba to see if that settles it. If not, then it is back for a stronger dose of meds just in case the fecals are missing the coccidia. He is well, gaining weight, very active and no vomiting at all, just those frustrating and exhausting pudding poos at night.

    Today, after two days on the probiotic and the start of making the transition to Eukanuba, he had a daytime poo that was quite well formed....! Progress.....? Fingers crossed.

    How about your baby?
  13. Browneyedhandsomebuddy

    Browneyedhandsomebuddy Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2018
    Thanks for the update, buddy has been fine (touch wood) just two solitary puddings, one after his jabs, and one the other day, but they have just been one offs and then straight back to normal so hop fully it’s just a case of him picking something up that he shouldn’t.

    I hope you continue your progress..... just a side note, I’m not sure what everyone’s thoughts are on raw feeding, and I’m not gonna shove it down everyone’s throat (literally ha ha) but buddy’s poos, aside from the couple of tummy upsets, are perfectly solid every time, so if you do become frustrated by it this might be at least worth looking at (unless you are already).

    I’m not a massive pro raw or anti kibble at all, it was just what the breeder was feeding, and on doing a lot of research, I plumped for raw, so it’s just a thought...
    Aisling Labs likes this.
  14. Aisling Labs

    Aisling Labs Registered Users

    Jan 6, 2018
    I am researching the possibility of going raw myself....If I do, it will likely be the full route of preparing it here at home rather than the pre-packaged stuff. I'm researching to see if there is any connection to hyperactivity in dogs and commercial kibbles....It's pretty clear that raw is better but I want to be certain I understand the balancing of nutrients properly before venturing in.
  15. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    Just a few pointers folks:

    1. Raw is great, IMO, and if you feed a pre-made complete you can be sure of getting a balanced diet with all the nutrients in it (as much as you would in a wet food) - it's all there. Particularly if you choose quite a big-brand raw, rather than a tiny mom-and-pop place who may not have the best nutritionists.
    2. If your pups are unwell, vaccinations should not take place until they are really for absolute sure, on tip top form again. Puppies should not be vaccinated whilst they are under the weather as their immune system won't respond well to the vaccine - it is challenged by other stuff - and also it's more likely that vaccines will have side-effects if a pup is unwell.
    3. When you are dealing with runny poops in pups, there are MANY THINGS to do in between feeding them chicken and rice and going to the vet. Of course if symptoms are extreme or worrying, then go to the vet ASAP. But if you are just dealing with runny poops... Many vets will first tell you to feed a bland diet (ie chicken and rice) for a few days and give probiotics - and then will recommend a 3-day course of Panacur. They are reluctant (rightly) to want to give out ABs immediately. If you try these things BEFORE first going to the vet, you can say to the vet 'I have already tried XYZ' and thereby save yourself another vet visit back again...

    The things you can try before going to the vet are (links are for UK Amazon products as I'm in the UK, but you can find US equivalents:(

    • Slippery Elm: http://amzn.eu/d/ht7fJWK Research/more info: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-978/slippery-elm
    • Pumpkin Powder: http://amzn.eu/d/6CEpgkF (2 tablespoons in each meal with water) More info: http://amzn.eu/d/6CEpgkF Mainly functions as a source of fibre, to bulk out the stool but also provides prebiotics. Try to get organic non-GM pumpkin powder.
    • Probiotics: http://amzn.eu/d/7FTTGUj Loads of different types of probiotics marketed for dogs, it can be a bit confusing at first - but there is research behind FortiFlora. There are also the Protexin range and Canikur. These are the most common, but in terms of ingredients they are often much of a muchness. Look at the active bacteria and also if there are any prebiotics or clay added for binding properties.
    • Kaolin: http://amzn.eu/d/ee2MHz6 A long-known anti-diahhorea med which binds stools and binds to toxins. This huge bottle is going to last you way longer than those syringes of clay and probiotics combined, can be stored after opening for ages, and is much cheaper - which is why I prefer to avoid the Canikur and Protexin and get the kaolin and probiotics separately. Kaolin tastes gross though (to dogs and people!), but mixing it with sardine juice or something similarly yummy usually gets it down.
    • Panacur 10% - a 3-day giardia course: https://www.vetuk.co.uk/dog-worming...nacur-10-100ml-liquid-for-cats-and-dogs-p-175
    If none of the above worked after a couple of days and/or things got worse, go to the vet ASAP. But then you can say 'I have already tried blah etc etc etc' and you won't be sent away to do any of the above.

    Since you never know when you'll get hit with the runny bums, it's best to get all the above in and have it in your first aid kit for when it strikes...

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