Couch and lab puppy

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Marley ❤, Sep 7, 2018.

  1. Marley ❤

    Marley ❤ Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2018
    Hey everyone sorry for all the questions last few days. I'm properly doing something majorly wrong and am now fully feeling like abit of failure with Marley :( so problem now is: we have never had any issues with dogs being on the couch, it's something that has been ok with us (with previous dogs etc). The Problem being is that Marley is continually climbing up on the back of the sofa and trying to find whatever he can to chew onit. So anyway literally just now, he's trying to climb all over me and back of the sofa, so I just sat up and slightly moved/so like the tiniest nudge you know like you would do if the sofa was packed and were trying to get more space, this was in hopes he would move back from where he was trying to get to and he turnt his head and snapped at me,this teamed alongside hes been a bit grumpy and snappy with me the last couple of days, but it's only when I touch him but is fine with others (bit hard to not take it personally lol) so I'm probably being bit too sensitive about it (his behaviour has been bit overwhelming last few weeks :( ) and he is currently going through his "crocopup" stage. But I'm worried we've set him up for like resource guarding of the sofa etc.. So now I'm feeling bit sorry for myself and not sure what to do... thanks guys dont know what I'd do without this forum. Sorry for the essay, and it properly reads bit confusing I think it's shock he just went like that.
  2. Browneyedhandsomebuddy

    Browneyedhandsomebuddy Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2018
    Aww sorry you feel bad, they do test you don’t they! When you say he snapped, buddy can be a bit like this, it’s not aggressive though (not sure what yours is like?). We find it quite amusing, it’s like he gets into a chewy moment and doesn’t really know what to chew ha ha! If he gets hold of a hand or something, he knows this and is very gentle, which we have been reinforcing, or better still not biting at all.

    This is easiest done when he’s tired and can be stroked without any mouthing, and so we treat that. Perhaps you personally could try this a bit? I’m sure there will be better advice to come but just thought I’d add my bit.
    Marley ❤ likes this.
  3. Marley ❤

    Marley ❤ Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2018
    Hi no thank you for your advice, the week just seems to be getting worse, he's now having selective hearing and isn't following basic commands like drop etc even for a treat.. having a real puppy blues feeling at the moment. I brought a houseline but all he is doing is chewing it, ask him to drop and he just stares at me and carries on :( or he just looks like he wants to lunge at me. Really not sure what's happened today to be honest. Thank you for the help :) it's nice to know I'm not the only one that's getting chewed on lol
  4. Browneyedhandsomebuddy

    Browneyedhandsomebuddy Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2018
    Ahh I feel your pain! Buddy is not so well behaved all the time. I wonder when you say he looks like he wants to lunge, buddy also does this but it is because he wants to play. They are definitely a handful, but from everything I have read, it all sounds pretty common/normal (no consolation I know). I’m just trying to be patient, keep reinforcing the training and being consistent. But I hear ya about the selective hearing etc. Buddy seems to have a couple of ‘naughty’ days here and there, but I think it’s when his teeth are bothering him as he really grinds on toys and bottles etc... A stuffed king kept him entertained for a good while this morning!
    Plum's mum, EmmaHughes and Marley ❤ like this.
  5. Marley ❤

    Marley ❤ Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2018
    Yes may be im mis interpreting his body language perhaps. I'm glad it's normal and it's not just me... was beginning to wonder lol.. yeah he's got a kong, chews etc but nothing seems to keep his attention for long, could I ask what do you stuff buddy kong with, just for some more ideas. Thank you.. So nice to know someone else is going through same thing lol
  6. Browneyedhandsomebuddy

    Browneyedhandsomebuddy Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2018
    We feed buddy raw so I’ve really struggled to know what to find. Anyway I basically stuffed it with his food (frozen), he loves his food and so spent an hour on it! Sorry if that doesn’t help If your dog is not fed raw, it’s difficult to know what to fill it with isn’t it! Although there’s loads of ideas online so might be worth a look.

    His other favourite thing is a piece of antler, and I smear/stuff those soft meaty type treats into the ends, this also keeps him occupied for a long time, and when he sees me getting it ready he gets just as excited as he does for a meal! This works really well and he doesn’t get bored of it so that is definitely worth a try.

    Also I run a timber yard and I processed a piece of hard wood for him which he also really likes. Now, I would not recommend doing that due to potential splinters etc. I did it as a bit of a trial until I can get some pet safe untreated hard wood. I think it’s greene and Wilde or something that does it, so look out for this too, if it’s puppy safe, which I think it is.
  7. Marley ❤

    Marley ❤ Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2018
    Ahh ok, yes it is. Thank you I'll take a look on line, and for the meaty substance food, is that like the spreadable kong filler you can get.
  8. Aisling Labs

    Aisling Labs Registered Users

    Jan 6, 2018
    May I ask if you are freezing his Kongs? It doesn't need to be with anything more interesting necessarily; for example, we simply wet Roamin's kibble and then freeze it. From time to time, I will put a bit of peanut butter at the opening but only rarely. Roamin gets one three times each day (morning and afternoon nap and while I eat my dinner in the evening) and I simply use portions of his daily ration of kibble. Freezing it serves two purposes - it makes it last longer and it feels good while they are teething. Actually, it serves three purposes, it teaches the puppy that it is okay to be alone.

    I've found that many times, behavior issues in young puppies have a lot to do with their being over-tired or over-stimulated. Dogs sleep a lot of the day by nature and older ones will fall into a pattern on their own while the younger ones need our help to set a schedule. I rarely do the "evening in the living room" with a puppy until they are about four - five months old except in bites of time; I continue this routine until the puppy understands "quiet time". For example, at the moment, Roamin' gets about 5 - 10 minutes each evening with the family (including the other four dogs) most of which is spent at the moment trying to play with the others - his behavior determines the time allowed. Then he is popped in his crate in that room so he is still a part of the "family time" but is not controlling it for everyone else. Once he begins to lay down with the other dogs rather than harass them, the time allowed out will increase.
  9. Marley ❤

    Marley ❤ Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2018
    No I haven't been freezing, but thank you for that idea I'll try that over night and see how he likes it in the morning. Love your pups name :) so maybe the behaviour this morning and throughout the day could be due to over tiredness.
    EmmaHughes and Aisling Labs like this.
  10. Browneyedhandsomebuddy

    Browneyedhandsomebuddy Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2018
    No they are like a natural treat, about the size of a liquorice allsort and have a slightly playdoh consistency... or cheese works great as well, forgot to say that!
  11. RuthElizabeth

    RuthElizabeth Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2018
    I also wanted to reply and say you are 100% not alone. Our pup can often be quite snappy, especially if he's excited to play. He definitely gets a couple of hours a day where he's "naughty". Although of course he isn't being naughty, he just wants to play and is sometimes over tired/over stimulated. Kongs are a lifesaver! Also Yalom loves large cushion/blanket type things. When he gets really silly at about 18.00 in the evening I just let him run around with it for a bit in the hall, where he can't hurt himself! Things will get better.
    EmmaHughes and Marley ❤ like this.
  12. Marley ❤

    Marley ❤ Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2018
    Aww thank you for your reassurance.. Yes I brought him like a teddy squirrel thing today which he seems to love and isn't missing a tail or arm yet lol... Marley has been a learning curve.... just sometimes you can't help but think it's something your doing wrong xx
  13. Marley ❤

    Marley ❤ Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2018
    I'm going to cut some cheese up in little while just for the "really good treats when the others fail lol" thank you for your help :) your puppy is lovely by the way looks so innocent in the picture haha
  14. EmmaHughes

    EmmaHughes Registered Users

    Sep 17, 2017
    Hi, I know you feel this way but your are doing such a great job. You really are. Like you say the forum is brilliant for reassurance and support.
    I used to think similar to you and as time goes on your puppy has more good days than not so great. Like someone else said keep goin keep being consistent and you will have an even better dog
  15. Browneyedhandsomebuddy

    Browneyedhandsomebuddy Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2018
    Ha ha don’t they all! Lol
    Marley ❤ likes this.
  16. Marley ❤

    Marley ❤ Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2018
    Thank you Emma... just you read so much stuff online what to do,what not to do etc some of it conflicts what other information says... then you just play it by ear and go ten steps forward and 20 back lol... but thank you this forum is so helpful. Every one gives great advice :) xx
  17. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    It's hard to say, without seeing the behaviour, what is causing it... He could have perceived you touching him as an invitation to play if he was in an excitable mood, and the snap could have been a playful one.

    Or he could actually be developing some sensitivity about being touched and it could be in response to that. If you suspect it is the latter, it would be a good idea to have a consultation with a reputable behaviourist so you get some in-person advice and help.

    The house line is really important though, because if he were wearing that, you could take hold of it (instead of him) and tap the floor and encourage him to want to move. (Making a dog want what you want them to want(!) is always better than forcing them to do what you want. If that makes any sense.) If he is chewing the house-line even, if does suggest that maybe he needs more things to chew and preoccupy him. Have you tried deer antlers? If he still has his puppy teeth, deer antlers are great. I wouldn't give them to an adult dog because they can fracture or damage adult teeth due to the strength of adult jaws - but they can keep pups busy for hours...
  18. Saffy/isla

    Saffy/isla Registered Users

    Jun 1, 2018
    Hi Marley's mum, your not alone, I was reading on here last night about how good other pups the same age as my Isla were,how well behaved ect,which made me feel a right failure as she's not!

    Then today she was doing the same as your pup,lunging at me, barking at me and when i took her for a walk she pulled all over the place,despite current training for loose lead walking with endless treats.exhausted

    She eats and chews everything even though she has frozen kongs and yak chews and definitely has detective hearing.

    I feel totally demoralised and exhausted,sorry for rant but having a bad week
    Marley ❤ likes this.
  19. Marley ❤

    Marley ❤ Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2018
    Hey "fellow having a bad pup week" lol... It's nice to hear from someone else suffering the same.. It's so tiring isn't it :(
  20. Marley ❤

    Marley ❤ Registered Users

    Aug 17, 2018
    Hi no I haven't tried deer antlers, where would be the best place to look for that? Maybe they could help, he's got so many toys, nylabone, kongs etc I'm not too sure what else to get for him :( I am worried it's the sensitivity issue but I'm not sure why or how this developed, and I'm not sure where to start with a decent behaviourist... Thank you for your advice again.. you've wrote so many detailed advice for me I really appreciate it :)

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