Mine male lab is 6 months and still bites. He constantly goes after my girls. Their arms, legs and sometimes face. Is this a training thing or just a lab pup thing? Will it calm down once he is fixed?
No, it will not stop once he is 'fixed'. But why are you 'fixing' him - was he broken as he was born? Research currently suggests that there are many drawbacks to neutering and few benefits - especially for male dogs. Early neutering increases the risk of joint disorders, cancers, auto-immune diseases and much more besides. If you want to learn more and read the research papers, join this Facebook group I run: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AgainstRoutineNeutering/ It sounds to me like your lab has far too much freedom. Puppies should be stairgated into a puppy area, or crated, or penned, until they are reliable in all ways around the house. Too much freedom only leads them to discover self-reinforcing behaviours which they will attempt to repeat and repeat and repeat... Chasing is reinforcing. Chasing screaming high-pitched beings is even more reinforcing.... You'll need a 2.5m puppy house line or tag line, clipped to his collar at all times you are home - which he trails behind him, enabling you to easily get hold of him and redirect his attention onto a toy or tug.
From everything I have been told neutering is what is best for the pups. I will definitely look into the new information you gave me. I really appreciate it. I will definitely look into getting a house line in order to help redirect his attention. Thank you.
I like this We had decided after joining this forum not to get Kyko neutered after reading about the pros & cons on here, however only one testicle has descended at the moment. The vet said we'll see him again in a couple of months see if it drops as he can feel it's close. If not he said we'll neuter him. His face was a picture when I told him he could wait much longer to see if descends & that if it doesn't he can remove only that one. We normally do both at the same time was his response. He won't bully me though my mind is made up