6 month old puppy diarrhea

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Karen Luxon, Oct 27, 2018.

  1. Karen Luxon

    Karen Luxon Registered Users

    Oct 21, 2018
    my 6 month old puppy Chester has been having diahorrea on and off since we have had him, been vets several times given the paste then he starts to form then few days later his first poop is solid then next few runny, mucus, and bit of blood. Vets says blood is from straining himself & nothing to worry about but I am worried. When we bought him he was on Dr.John’s but I couldn’t get the food at our local supplier so we put him on wainwrights dry food, the vets say the upset tummy was because of the change in food but he was still having runny poo after few weeks. Tried swopping him onto wainwrights wet food and this seemed to do the trick for quite a few days. Until it started again, can anyone recommend a suitable dry food?
  2. Jade

    Jade Registered Users

    Aug 7, 2018

    Maybe get a second opinion from a different Vet. I think you're right to be concerned. Its not normal for any dog to have diarrhea every day.
    I wouldn't dare to recommend a food. I think maybe a vet would be better to help with that. I hope your pup is feeling better soon.
    Sabine74 likes this.
  3. LoopyLuna

    LoopyLuna Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2018
    Hi @Karen Luxon . Sorry to hear little Chester is not feeling good. I'd maybe ask your vet to test a few poo sample just to discount any parasites or worms that might be causing a problem. Among other things, mucus and blood in stools are signs of a Giardia infection which our little one had. Your vet will obviously know best, but it's maybe worth checking out? Hope it's all okay - let us know how you get on.
    Sabine74 likes this.
  4. Sabine74

    Sabine74 Registered Users

    Oct 16, 2018
    Owego, NY
    Switching our puppy to NUTRO essentials- large breed puppy food really did the trick for us. Our girls poo turned from really loose to nicely solid within a day, and she is doing great on it. But not every dog will take to the same food, the same way. I do agree with the other comments in this thread. It's not normal for a puppy to have bloody, runny stools expecially for this long. I would definetly have her stool tested for parasites, if you haven't already. Good LUCK Karen! Hope Chester feels better soon!:hug:
  5. mandyb

    mandyb Registered Users

    Oct 25, 2013
    East Devon
    I agree with the others, he needs to be checked again and have some tests run, that's definitely not normal.
    How is he in himself, still gaining weight/growing? What's his body condition and coat like, does he have loads of energy?
    Let us know how he gets on.
  6. Karen Luxon

    Karen Luxon Registered Users

    Oct 21, 2018
    Thanks for your reply I’ll make an appointment for him Monday
    thanks for your reply I’ll take him back again on Monday, luckily he’s fine in himself bouncing around but really getting worried so going to take him back
    Jade likes this.
  7. Karen Luxon

    Karen Luxon Registered Users

    Oct 21, 2018
    Yes thanks for your reply taking him back to ask for these tests
    Sabine74 likes this.
  8. Karen Luxon

    Karen Luxon Registered Users

    Oct 21, 2018
    Thanks for your reply I’ll take him back Monday & ask for some testing
  9. Karen Luxon

    Karen Luxon Registered Users

    Oct 21, 2018
    Yes he’s fine in himself bouncing everywhere we exercise him twice a day every day with no reluctance from him not showing any signs of being poorly himself but obviously this appears to be not normal so will request some testing. Coat is fine and yes he’s gaining weight, did have a bout of worms but sorted that so not sure if he has some parasite in his intestines or something
  10. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    I would give him a 3-5 day course of Panacur 10% at the giardia dosage - this is non-prescription and you can get it online yourself. You will thereby be able to tell the vet you have already done this, and skip a step - since it may be what the vet does next anyway.

    Panacur is a very gentle wormer and has the benefit of also being effective against giardia when given at a reduced amount for several days.

    If this doesn't work, I would definitely be getting a stool sample done and insisting that is run and I'd also change vets because blood in stools is not normal and is not the result of straining. That sounds like a vet applying human mumbo jumbo hypothesises to dogs and not a vet that is knowledgeable about the typical things you come across with dog gastro conditions. Change vets...!
  11. Karen Luxon

    Karen Luxon Registered Users

    Oct 21, 2018
    Thanks I will try this first.

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