NuVet Plus and NuJoint Diet Dietary Supplements

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Bud Light/Dilly Dilly, Dec 17, 2018.

  1. Bud Light/Dilly Dilly

    Bud Light/Dilly Dilly Registered Users

    Oct 22, 2018
    Los Angeles, CA
    Does anybody use NuVet Plus and NuJoint Dietary supplements or have any knowledge of the supplements and their effectiveness?

    The reason I ask is because when we first bought our puppy from the breeder, there was warranty in place that if we bought those two supplements and kept them as a part of his everyday diet 1.5 years (I think) and anything drastic happened to the puppy, we could return him to the breeder for a full refund. We obviously love our dog and he's doing great. No medical issues (knock on wood), and returning him to the breeder is completely out of the question, as he is now part of the family. My puppy is about 6 months old now.

    So that brings me back to my main question of the effectiveness of these supplements. If they work and actually do benefit the dog, we don't have a problem giving these wafers to our dog for the rest of his life. He likes them (he likes pretty much everything though). But if these wafers don't in fact have proof of doing anything positive for the dog and they are not needed for his joints/diet, etc., I don't see the point of the expense. The wafers seem harmless, but I just don't know too much about them. The reviews online are fine. We're keeping our puppy regardless, so the warranty doesn't mean much at this point. I just am inquiring if this expense will be necessary going forward.

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    That's a very unusual clause!

    I'm personally highly skeptical about the use of general supplements for healthy dogs (to be fair, I'm highly skeptical about most things, so that's not a great barometer...). They should get everything they need from their regular food.

    We've got a couple of articles on the main site that look at the evidence:

    Best Dog Supplements
    Joint Supplements for Dogs

    With the possible exception of their use in joint problems however, I remain unconvinced.

    I can't see it doing your pup any harm, but I also can't see how it would do him any good either!
  3. Bud Light/Dilly Dilly

    Bud Light/Dilly Dilly Registered Users

    Oct 22, 2018
    Los Angeles, CA
    Thanks for your response! I can’t really see how it would benefit or hurt him either, which is why I would like to cut out the expense if it’s not really necessary.

    It is obvious that the breeder and supplement company work together in some way for money. I bought another batch of supplements, but unless I hear some valid reasons as to why they actually are worth it and beneficial to my puppy, that will probably be the last batch I buy.

    Thanks you again for your advice.
    lucy@labforumHQ likes this.
  4. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    There are supplements which are scientifically proven to be effective and have research behind them, and these are the supplements it's best to use (if any).

    It's important to look at the actual ingredients and the amount of each active ingredient, too. As well as the 'non-active' ingredients or those which are added for preservatives or palatability - since this is something you'd give your dog on a daily basis, long-term, you want to check the whole product out.

    I haven't heard of NuVet but I'm guessing you're in the US, since it's an American product.

    Avidog recommend two US products as joint products:
    There's also a Glycoflex 1 which is for puppies or dogs with no joint issues yet. There is research behind these specific products, since everything Avidog recommend is based on research and best practice.

    The NuVet Plus appears to be more of a multi-vitamin. I agree with Lucy that dogs should really get those vitamins and minerals from their diets and they will be much more bioavailable in that form.
    Jade likes this.
  5. Bud Light/Dilly Dilly

    Bud Light/Dilly Dilly Registered Users

    Oct 22, 2018
    Los Angeles, CA
    Thanks for the great advice again @Jo Laurens. I am based in the US (Los Angeles area) and will definitely look into those joint supplements you provided :)

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