Chases dogs, humps, goes nuts on beaches or parks making it impossible but fantastic one to one??

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Angela Key, Dec 27, 2018.

  1. Angela Key

    Angela Key Registered Users

    Dec 27, 2018
    I have an 8 month old fox red boy who’s beautiful. Fantastic family dog, learns quickly and great temperament. However, when we’re near other dogs, birds etc he completely loses the plot! No exaggeration. He goes from being calm and lovely to absolutely focused on either dominating and humping to such an extent that he must be hurting his neck pulling so much. He completely ignores everyone! A dog possessed! It’s as if he loses all concept of ‘normal’ dog behaviour. I don’t understand how he can be so different so suddenly. As soon as I take him away from the ‘catalyst’ he’s back in the land of the living again. It’s difficult because I’m avoiding those situations now and dread letting him off the lead just in case he sees a bird or dog. Anything. It’s so hit and miss. Help! I don’t want to get him castrated as I’m worried he’ll gain weight or not grow but also he’s from such a strong dna clear line it would be a shame not to breed from him.
  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @Angela Key

    welcome to the site.

    If you have your dog on a harness, then he can't hurt his neck.

    Re the other dogs and birds, I would teach my dog the LAT technique.

    Read and study the entire thread. There is an excellent video contained in that thread.

    It's called going over threshold. You have to increase the distance from the trigger until the dog calms down. Reward calming signals. Next time, remember the distance and gradually approach the threshold distance. Reward calm behaviour. Over many sessions, the threshold distance should reduce.

    Attach a 10 metre long line to his harness. You can then prevent your dog approaching other dogs AT THIS STAGE OF HIS TRAINING.

    It will not improve the problem. And in some cases can worsen the problem. You have to use some of the techniques I have suggested above.

    If you have questions, then fire away. We are here to help. And I have given you a lot of things to be doing. It is easy to be overwhelmed. Take one step at a time. If unsure of the step, then ask here.
  3. Ruth Buckley

    Ruth Buckley Registered Users

    Jan 31, 2018
    My dog was neutered at 10 months and it made no difference to the humping and other overexcited behaviour, if anything he was worse for a few weeks.
  4. Mango

    Mango Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2018
    Ljubljana, Slovenia
    If the dog at 8 months (mine was 25kg or so) decides to run towards something, there is no way you will keep him, he could hurt you. Unless you hold him close, on 2m or so. I had Mango on a 10m line when he was 3 months (recall went well, but not great). After his limp and short lead, no off lead period, we had to start over. He almost pulled my arm out when he went after a bird.
  5. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @Mango

    I didn't say to try and stop the dog as it reached the end of the long line. Just that 10 m is a length that seems to be worth getting.

    Now what does one do? Keep a watch out for dogs in the distance. Keep your dog below threshold. Reward her for checking in. Keep your distance from the distraction so that you can reward calm behaviour.

    If your dog does take off, then run towards the dog but steer the dog on the long line away from the distraction by running at an angle to the distraction. Slow down as you move on an angle. In doing so you will not have a problem with a jolt to your shoulder.

    I don't understand why you had to start over again. Can you explain a bit more about what happened?
  6. leemyka

    leemyka Registered Users

    Oct 1, 2018
    As Michael has said using a long line is a art in itself and a dirty job in this weather, you have to aware of everything around you and not just hold one end or you really do have a chance of getting hurt.

  7. BennyG

    BennyG Registered Users

    Jul 26, 2018
    Probably you need to reinforce his leash training and obedience training. Although chasing the dogs and birds is an instinctive behavior, it could pose a threat to the small creature and occur some accidents.
    Here are some tips to stop your dog from chasing and a guide to leash training your dog.

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