Seeking advice on getting second lab

Discussion in 'Life With A Lab' started by Sheilah, Jan 16, 2019.

  1. Sheilah

    Sheilah Registered Users

    Jan 16, 2019
    I’ve had several labs and we have always been two dog home. Currently my 3 year old yellow lab is an “only dog”. He lost his brother (same parents 4 years apart) about 9 months ago. It’s his first time without a buddy. Plus, I moved twice after getting divorced and both kids are in college and never around. I have no problem meeting his needs, but with all the change would it be best to have a buddy or just another adjustment. I’ll try to edit myself next time thanks I’ve never sought advice this way before
  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @Sheila

    welcome to the forum. And don't worry about posting here--we are a friendly lot.

    I'm not sure how to answer your query. Do you mean for you or your dog?

    I feel you need to work out why you want another dog. Do you want to train a new one to do things the present one cannot do? But that raises a question re the dog you already own. Would it be worthwhile to attend obedience class and progress through the ranks? Maybe your dog interacting with the other dogs in class will suffice his need for other dogs?
  3. CamK

    CamK Registered Users

    Feb 9, 2017
    Minnesota, USA
    Having another dog could work or it might not. Depends on personalities and how much time you have to spend with both dogs. Do you want another dog for you or him? My two are the best of friends but those first years are busy.

    Your changes suggest that you might be spread a little thin. So take some time and make sure you know what you want to do. Until then I like the idea of obedience class or visit the dog park? I have been meeting a couple at the dog park. Pups get to play and I get a visit.

    Every year in January I take my herd to the vets for annual visits... 3 cats and 2 dogs. And every year I am shocked at the bill. But I wouldn't change a thing. So if you want another dog go ahead.
  4. CamK

    CamK Registered Users

    Feb 9, 2017
    Minnesota, USA
    Ok we chatted at the dog park.

    One is in your same situation and is very happy now with the only one dog. There was a bit of adjustment for both of them and took longer than she thought. Pup has calmed down and seems very content. She takes her pup on a lot of social outings. Rides in the car wherever she goes.

    Another gal is making plans to get a second dog. 'Just feels weird with only one.'
    Deboragh likes this.
  5. Deboragh

    Deboragh Registered Users

    Jan 29, 2018
    Toronto Canada
    I'm wondering when to get a second Lab...what would be a good age for my current dog .any suggestions would be welcome!!
  6. CamK

    CamK Registered Users

    Feb 9, 2017
    Minnesota, USA
    There have been other posts about this. Can you search?

    I think the experts said to have the first fully trained and bonded with you before introducing another puppy. But things don't always happen in a planned way.
    And that works out too.
    Deboragh likes this.
  7. Lucius Maximus

    Lucius Maximus Registered Users

    May 29, 2018
    My lab was 2 years old when the dog he lived with passed away suddenly. We were upset about it but knew he had always lived with a dog and loved dogs company so decided it would be a good thing for him, and for us too! a few months later enter our beagle puppy! The two didnt get on at first (which was surprising as my lab loved puppies!) but I think my lab was confused on how to act around this new dog and had a bit of adjusting to do. Fast forward 3 weeks and they played for the first time, a gentle wrestling match under the kitchen table. The puppy is reaching his 2nd birthday soon and my lab is 4 now. They're inseperable - so much so that the beagle whines after my lab if my lab leaves the house without him (say going for a solo walk or to the vet etc). Yes, there are times when my lab gets annoyed with the beagle (on VERY rare occasions he'll tell him off with a quiet growl) but they've learnt to have some time alone from eachother and they are the best of buds. I'm glad I got the beagle, yes I wasnt keen on a beagle to begin with but now I'm glad I stuck with it.

    (my labrador (Lucius) gently telling my beagle (Pup) that play time is over)

    Deboragh and Jade like this.
  8. Jade

    Jade Registered Users

    Aug 7, 2018
    That is so cute...
  9. Lucius Maximus

    Lucius Maximus Registered Users

    May 29, 2018
    They are so sweet together, their favourite game is chase where they run around the garden together. Pup usually wins but Lucius just loves to run :)
    Jade likes this.

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