Non-stop chewing Lab

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Isaac's_Mom, Mar 8, 2019.

  1. Isaac's_Mom

    Isaac's_Mom Registered Users

    Aug 15, 2018
    Hi ALL,

    I need some help my lab is an insane chewier. If he isn't chewing on something he is up to no good. I have to purchase a bone almost every other day or else he starts trying to bite furniture, wires or our shoes etc... Are there affordable alternatives other than a bone? He also has tons and tons of toys but he plays with them or I play with him for about 20 mins and he is over it and back to chewing on somethingggg... Any suggestions?
    P.S. I've tried the Kong and puzzles and that only lasts about 15 mins :oops:
  2. swissmiss

    swissmiss Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2019
    My lab is the same. 16 months old. Goes through a bully stick a night and a stuffed frozen Kong. He’s very restless, and like you said, unless he’s chewing he’s up to no good. Other toys do not interest him either and I’m always on guard for fear he’ll ingest something. He does favor a tennis ball though. How old is your lab?
  3. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @Isaac's_Mom

    How old is your dog? Is he teething?

    Have you tried putting a house line on him and preventing him from whittling your furniture?

    House line. Prevent him from eating the furniture. If you are not there to supervise him, then put him in his crate with a frozen food packed Kong.

    Do you rotate them (which you should) or leave them all out to play with day after day?

    Frozen carrot sticks.
  4. Isaac's_Mom

    Isaac's_Mom Registered Users

    Aug 15, 2018
    He just turned 1 last week. I know he is technically still a pup but some days it's nonstop o_O
    @Michael A Brooks @swissmiss
  5. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    No he is no longer a puppy by a week, according to some vets. Others say dog becomes an adolescent at 6 months. Definitely not a puppy.

    Some Labs like to chew.

    Did you try frozen carrots? Don't need to be rock hard. Don't want him to fracture his teeth.

    I take it it you are from America judging by the spelling of mom. Some American members buy sticks that can be chewed--a wood substitute for the dog that likes wooden furniture.
    Isaac's_Mom likes this.
  6. Ruth Buckley

    Ruth Buckley Registered Users

    Jan 31, 2018
    My 22 month old has alwaysabeen happier with something in his mouth. Can you get Starmark bento balls where you are? They have an 'everlasting' treat in one side, which should be more accurately described as ' fairly longlasting' and a space for kibble sized treats on the other. The ball itself is a favourite toy and has lasted better than any other toy I've bought.
    I raw feed which also helps keep him occupied. Venison and lamb necks last for ages and I can get them for free. Worth reaching out to local hunters and butchers if you can.
  7. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    Prevention, prevention, prevention. The only things the dog should have access to, is what he is allowed to chew. Everything else should be removed. The pup should be crated when unsupervised so that there are no 'wrong choices' to be made. He should trail a house line at other times so he can easily be distracted and removed if starting to chew the wrong thing.

    Dogs are creatures of habit - if you allow the wrong habit to establish itself, it will be self-reinforcing and the dog will return to it over and over...
    Isaac's_Mom likes this.
  8. Isaac's_Mom

    Isaac's_Mom Registered Users

    Aug 15, 2018
    Thanks for the help!
    I would have to see if the raw feed would work. As far as bento balls I have tried and i'd say this lasts about 10 mins and he is over it :oops:

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