Almost 4 year old Lab whining all day

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Lucius Maximus, Mar 30, 2019.

  1. Lucius Maximus

    Lucius Maximus Registered Users

    May 29, 2018
    So recently I decided to post this question to you guys as recently Lucius has started whining none stop all day. The only time he doesn't whine is when he's on a walk, eating or sleeping. I've tried taking him on longer walks, playing fetch with him to tire him out, we feed him 3 times a day at the moment as he scoffs his food and we recently had a bloat scare with our beagle and on researching how to prevent bloat feeding 3 times a day helps in some way (not sure how as he still scoffs his food!) he will sit in front of me and whine loudly, I let him outside a lot through the day, he gets 3 walks a day (1 off lead run round the park and game of fetch and 2 30 minute walks) he has our beagle to play with and doesnt get interested with toys for too long. Its starting to drive my family mad! Why does he do it? He has gotten a little stiff in his back legs recently and I'm wondering if this is part of the reason? He has always been a vocal dog since he was a puppy (oh, the days when he'd literally scream for a bowl of food at 6am... glad those days are gone!). He does have some sight loss too but he seems to be adapting well to that. Any ideas on whats up with him?

    Any advice greatly recieved!

  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi @Lucius Maximus

    If you give the dog anything (food, attention, playtime) in response to the whining then you have positively reinforced whining. You will have to teach him, that you will do things for him when he is quiet. It will be hard because you will have to undo a lot of inadvertent reinforcement. So aim for brief periods of quietness and reinforce for duration. Ignore him completely if he whines. Don't even look at him.

    You might try to it initially when he has something in his mouth. But some dogs can vocalise even when mouthing a ball.

    I am assuming your dog is not in pain.
    Lucius Maximus likes this.
  3. mandyb

    mandyb Registered Users

    Oct 25, 2013
    East Devon
    I would get him checked out with the vet, sounds as though he could be in pain or feeling a little anxious.

    I also have a very vocal Lab who likes to whine when he's not feeling too good, he has several ongoing health issues, so I can totally sympathise. It drives us mad too, in fact there are times I wonder if he isn't losing the plot.
    Lucius Maximus likes this.
  4. Lucius Maximus

    Lucius Maximus Registered Users

    May 29, 2018
    Hi thanks for your reply! I tried this out and he's seeming to get the idea, only getting a few whines a day now! I dont think he's in any pain although I do think he's getting the start of arthritis in his hips.
  5. Lucius Maximus

    Lucius Maximus Registered Users

    May 29, 2018
    I think the same too! I sometimes wonder if he knows why he's whining too! :):D
  6. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Apart from classical conditioning, positive training is grounded on the premise that the dog's behaviour is purposeful, in the sense that the dog chooses her actions.

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