My Lab is 7 months old and I have a 6 1/2 year old Golden Retriever that get along great and play all the time. The problem is the Lab likes to carry over the nipping/play with the Golden over to people. She has a hard time getting it, that it is only ok to do that with other dogs, not people. Anybody else have a second dog and dealt with this?
Rusty plays with Opie in the garden all the time and he plays with dogs in the park daily. I end every play session with some obedience training, just a few sits, paws, downs and give him a min to settle before i take him home/ inside. That might be why he doesn't carry any of his playtime energy over into chill time with me.
I only have one dog who at 7 months was horrendous for nipping and biting humans. I think some dogs are just more bitey than others. I followed all the advice (redirect to a chew toy, say ouch! and stop play etc etc) nothing seemed to make any difference except leaving the room until he calmed down.
Thanks for the replies. I swear she has every bad habit. She makes up for how good my Golden was and is.
I feel you will see a major shift soon, he may over time become a mouther I feel - keep at the redirection i nipped it early in the bud with my boy along with the stick phase. Get over the wall you can make it
We have 14 week old Harry and he has definitely improved, becoming less inclined to bite hands and clothing over the last two weeks. It's taken a lot of patience, not always pretend 'ouches' and redirecting towards chew toys. We also dog sit his littermate, Loki during work hours and he's very bitey and over boisterous. The only thing that seems to calm him down is some chill out time in his crate with a kong toy. Obviously, they're babies and haven't even started the teething stage yet. From past experience I'm not looking forward to that at all! Also, how did you combat the stick obsession, Beard ? I seem to spend all of my time fishing sticks and twigs out of their mouths!
If she were teething cause of new teeth i could deal with that, but my girl is carrying over the play she does with my Golden to us. She is relentless!!
You need to teach her to play with objects and not directly with your hands and arms. You need to have lots of tugs and toys lying around which you can pick up to direct her onto any time she gets too bitey with you. If it is never fun to play with your hands and arms and always fun to bring you objects and play with those toys, then that's what she will do...