i want to make a list of places/ people/experiences that will be good for socialisation once puppy is home. What are your best suggestions? How do you make it a pleasant experience for the pup? I have to do the school run...will this be an ok one to carry him on? Thank you
Hi, I think the school run will be perfect if you carry your pup. This was one we didn't do and later regretted as our last dog was frightened around children as they are noisy and unpredictable. Also people on mobility vehicles, scooters, people in hats (slightly easier on the summer months) noisy roads, buses, trains. Busy high streets or events (she hated these too). With our new pup we also used to drive to busy industrial estate with shops, McDonald ect and sit with her to watch everything going on. Good luck
Thank you so much! When you say about industrial estates do you mean walk round them with the dog or sit in the car and watch out the window? Sorry if I’m being thick!
No not at all, it's all so daunting isn't it. We did both with Isla, she has a crate in the car so we had the boot open with the crate door shut and we casually chatted between ourselves while we sat on the bumper while she watched all the comings and goings on. We also have a pets at home there, which we carried her around inside and out for lots of visits, everyone wanted to come and say hello which really helped with her socialising. She benefited by seeing and hearing so much as it's a very busy shopping area. Just try and think of as many sights and sounds to introduce your pup to during the early important socialisation period, although don't get stressed as I'm sure we all miss a few!
Hi @Sunshine86 If you go to the RSPCA Queensland Australia, you will find a checklist there. I know there are other checklists around, but the one I mentioned comes readily to mind. You must make sure your puppy is enjoying the experience. If not, you will end up sensitising the dog--the precise opposite of what you want. If the puppy seems anxious or tries to pull away as you approach an object, then back off immediately to use distance as your ally in the socialisation process. Don't overwhelm the puppy with new appearances. It should all be fun.
One I added to my list with this puppy was Riding in an elevator. With my older dogs we didn't travel that much with them until they were older and the Elevator was a very scary place for them. worked on going in and out and sitting while in the elevator during the ride Also not leaving the elevator until the "ok" was given
Here are a couple of good checklists, but do remember that everything has to be done at your puppy's pace - no point rushing to get through everything on the list whilst the pup ends up having bad experiences because it's all been done too fast... http://deesdogs.com/documents/thepuppysruleoftwelve.pdf http://info.drsophiayin.com/puppy-socialization-checklist-0
Home Depot (A big home improvement store in the US) is a good place to meet a lot of people and some dogs. A lot of different smells and things to look at. Most of the staff in our stores have dog biscuits.