Hi My lab princess is 9yrs old. She is suffering from some kind of spinal disorder the vet is not sure what it is. Princess is struggling to walk on her back legs, shes started to drag herself on her bottom. Shes not very strong and often falls over when she tries to go to the toilet. The vet has given us Gabapentin and its helped her to walk a little but she prefers to drag herself. Its absolutely heart breaking to see. We cant walk her and she spends most of her time sleeping , but shes full of beans. I would really like some advice as to what is best for her? Is this a real quality of life that she is leading?
So sorry to hear this. Have you not been referred to a specialist for a proper diagnosis and possible treatment?
So sorry to hear this. Without scans to know what is going on, it is difficult for you to know how to treat her and what her prognosis is. Is she insured?