Lab puppies tail is a inch to the left from center

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Beez5, Dec 8, 2019.

  1. Beez5

    Beez5 Registered Users

    Dec 8, 2019
    Hi there
    I’m new to this forum and I’m searching for anyone who’s maybe seen this in lab pups before?
    My 14 week old Silver lab pup’s tail is about 1in to the left from where it should be.
    My daughter says it looks like he has a side ponytail
    We didn’t notice this at time of was dark and we were in a barn.
    I’ve contacted breeder and his response is to trade him out
    We’ve had him for two weeks and is considered part of the family already!
    Has anyone ever seen this before?

  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Hello, I don’t quite understand what you mean and sadly your photo is not visible. You need to use a host site..there is a thread on here about how to do it. What does “trade him out mean” ???
  3. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Do you think the tail is damaged or was the dog born with it like that? If it is in anyway sensitive to touch you should get it checked out.
    How did you end up buying a puppy that is 12 weeks old from a dark barn?
    From the “breeders” reaction I would say he already knew there was an issue with this puppy. Go to the vets for a full check up.
    Jo Laurens and Edp like this.
  4. Beez5

    Beez5 Registered Users

    Dec 8, 2019
    The breeder wanted to trade him for a new puppy
  5. Beez5

    Beez5 Registered Users

    Dec 8, 2019
    The tail looks as if he was born this way, but there’s also a kink at the end when he has a bowel movement it shows. It doesn’t bother him at all and we’re able to touch it. He’s already been to the vet, I took him a week after we purchased him to get the rest of his shots. The vet thinks it’s genetic and recommend no breeding with him :(
    I bought a 12 week old puppy because I have been looking for a Silver lab in my area for quite sometime and there wasn’t anything available. I came across this breeder recommended to me and he had two pups left. When we went to go meet up by the time I had gathered all my family to go with, it had gotten dark, plus it was a bit of a drive. We’re in Iowa and lots of people have their pups in barns. So it wasn’t anything unusual. It had light inside, but I honestly was making sure he had good disposition with my two boys that have special needs.
  6. Beez5

    Beez5 Registered Users

    Dec 8, 2019
    I can’t figure out how to post a picture unfortunately I’m using my phone so that could be the reason why.
  7. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    There is a help section at the bottom of the home page that explains how to post photos. The easiest way is to join as a supporter and you can upload photos from your phone. Would be interesting to see what it looks like.

    Glad you have been to the vet and it isn’t a problem. It will be a talking point. My 2 year old now only has one ear due to cancer and it opens up all sorts of conversations out walking. Enjoy your pup.
  8. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    There are only 3 colours of Labrador: Yellow, chocolate and black. I'm afraid anyone selling or advertising silvers is not a reputable breeder by virtue of that fact alone...
    Edp likes this.

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