Today we have to put our gorgeous 12 year old Golden Lab to sleep, I’m absolutely heartbroken but it’s not a shock. He’s been severely arthritic since about the age of 7. He has slowly deteriorated to the point over Xmas where he doesn’t even have the strength to stand for his food or go to the toilet without falling over. I know I’m making the right decision by giving him some dignity in death but my god does this feeling hurt so bad.... my 9 year old daughter grew up with him and today is going to be so tough. Goodby my gorgeous Murphy, I love you beyond words...
It’s such a hard decision, but the right one a loving owner makes when the time is right. I feel for you, been there many times. Hard for your daughter too. My last dog was PTS a year ago, my twin sons age 10 still talk about him frequently. They have framed pictures of him and often just have a but of reflective time looking at them . We also planted some flowers for him and visit them too. All helped a bit but not easy. Our thoughts are with you.
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Emzi, I hope that once the rawness of grief has passed you'll be able to enjoy reflecting on all the good times again.
So sorry. It is a really hard time. Keep looking back at the happy times and know you made the right choice when you could.
What a sad start to the year for you. I hope you can take comfort in all the lovely memories you have of your old friend. And in knowing that your brave decision is the right one.