Am new

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Eimz, Sep 23, 2020.

  1. Eimz

    Eimz Registered Users

    Sep 23, 2020
    Hi all. Am a new mummy to Moose a Newfoundland Labrador Cross. Anyone here have the same. Any advice would be much appreciated. He is 11 weeks old quite large and weighs 10kg and he is a very naughty boy. I had a chocolate lab for 13 years who passed away in January of this year. Can remember if he was as lively as Moose!!
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Eimz,

    Welcome to the forum :) Moose sounds like a gorgeous cross!
    Eimz likes this.
  3. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Hello, i have had 3 Newfoundlands and now a lab. I would love a cross. 2 wonderful breeds. I doubt your pup is naughty, at 11 weeks they are full of life, and of couse Moose is going to be a big pup as well. You are super lucky, do post some pictures. I bet he is the cutest. Newfies are wonderful dogs, my 3 were just delightful.
  4. Eimz

    Eimz Registered Users

    Sep 23, 2020
    My pup is so full of life yes. Has destroyed all my plants in my garden and Seems to want to bite me. Just earlier we played ball and he started to bark and try to bite my as I Wudnt give him the ball. Had to get up at 5am with him as he got out of his pen in the kitchen and knocked the safety gate off!! I think the size of him doesn’t help either. Puppy training classes are a must I think. He is a beautiful dog but so hard work atm. I am home every day with so he isn’t left for long periods of time.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2020
  5. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Give him time, he will be best best dog ever. Newfies are such loyal, gentle souls, and labs just want to please. He will be a dream when he is about 2 :)
  6. Eimz

    Eimz Registered Users

    Sep 23, 2020
    I know he will be. Puppyhood is hard lol. We had a chocolate lab for 13 years and he was the best.
    He actually hasn’t been too bad today.i think it’s me makes him over excited because he is just too cute. So I need to. calm down nevermind him
  7. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Just want to say he looks adorable!
  8. Bexi44

    Bexi44 Registered Users

    Oct 14, 2020
    Moose looks beautiful, puppyhood is so hard, we lost our 13 year old choc lab in March, got our new choc lab in May and boy oh boy it was tough going.
    Just remember it’s a normal phase and it gets better. My girl is 7 months now and is like a different pup. Still naughty sometimes but that’s in my eyes not hers !! I’m sure our late 13 year Olds were just as bad back in the day. Good luck. Xx
    Eimz likes this.

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