Yorkie 3.5 lbs

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Tbird02, Oct 9, 2020.

  1. Tbird02

    Tbird02 Registered Users

    Oct 9, 2020
    Hi I'm Pat, have a 3.5lb yorkie, Ellie, 19 weeks and can't get her in harness. Have put on floor with treats for days and still will not put feet in when asked. Any other ideas?
  2. Simbabear

    Simbabear Registered Users

    May 3, 2020
    One of the things I did when Simba use to run off was when he was eating in slip his paws through it and leave him in it for a while, start walking about in it with praise. Although I did this from 9 weeks as I there were a few things I learnt from my previous dog and wanted to nip in the bud and train straight away.
    Some dogs get territorial over there food while doing this but i also started from day one letting him eat out of my hand and put my hand in the bowl and eating from hand in the bowl.
    Also a high value treat -sardines/chicken.
    He's just six months now, 26wks and he still runs off when I first get lead/harness or collie but i just walk to the front door, no fuss and the excitement of walkies brings him straight over and knows this means walkies
    When we first got him I hadn't thought of harness until daughter said and I wasn't keen but had both-ive gone through stages of both and as he's getting older I've trained him on pulling and other things and he's getting on really well-had started pulling alot and ended up with a sore from harness and getting wet and rubbing so the collar I found better for training not to pull and now happily on harness not pulling, I have struggled with heel but have found my own way round that- now he's naturally doing these things with less reminders I treated less and have found he's better at responding to distraction or other dogs and hasn't been treated all the way to the field with all the other dogs running around-ive now managed to get him to wait until i say go play as he's looking forward to a treat then allowed to play-this happens 8/10 times so is slow process, just on going training
  3. Tbird02

    Tbird02 Registered Users

    Oct 9, 2020
    Thanks for the tips, at least she's not territorial about food.

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