Desperately need reassurance

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Jaime K, Oct 25, 2020.

  1. Jaime K

    Jaime K Registered Users

    Jun 10, 2020
    Ok, my lab puppy is 7 months old and I’m ready to put him on Craigslist. Please tell me things are going to get better. I’ve had other dogs/puppies and have never experienced anything like this dog. I don’t know how much more I can take.
    deba44 likes this.
  2. SianMJ

    SianMJ Registered Users

    Jun 3, 2019
    South Wales UK
    Ohhh my girl was hard work , especially in the first year. But yes it gets better!!! She is now 20 months and you can reap all the rewards from all the repeated training, routines and love you gave them. She tested my dog skills at times like no other dog I’ve had, I have learned so much despite having had many dogs. Things take time to change but it does happen you just have to trust the training you do. She was very nervous and can still be spooked at times but she is such a happy dog now it’s lovely. She is slow to mature and needed / needs my support and attention for many things. We still have a few things to get right but things are settling in nicely and some of the early training we did which she couldn’t really apply much when she was very young has kicked in. If things do get too much find a good reward based behaviourist you can work with and just talking things through sets you back on the right path. Hang in there, he needs your support and he looks a beautiful dog
    sarah@forumHQ and Jaime K like this.
  3. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    Yes things will get better! However there are almost certainly things you can do to make things get better more quickly. If you post explaining what things are driving you to distraction, people can give you specific advice.
    Jaime K likes this.
  4. Jaime K

    Jaime K Registered Users

    Jun 10, 2020
    Thank you
    Thank you so much I SO needed to hear this. I really appreciate your reply!
  5. Jaime K

    Jaime K Registered Users

    Jun 10, 2020
    Oh my, where do I begin...I feel like I have a wild animal as a pet. His energy level is so high. He’s very rough, bites, hurts us, knocks us over. I have to either keep him in his crate or tethered to a very heavy piece of furniture. If there’s anything near him he will destroy it. I have to keep him leashed at all time or he’s just tearing the place up. He’s still peeing and pooping in his crate and in the house. I’m home with him 24/7, I’m working with a trainer. This is just not how I want to live. Our last dog, a Border Collie, was fully integrated into our lives at this point. He was potty trained & could go out in the yard on his own. He wasn’t destructive. He was so sweet and playful. This dog is insane. If he really is going to chill out I will hang in there but I’m so worried right now that he won’t.
  6. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Hi there
    Yes they do calm down but it sounds like the relationship between you and your dog might have broken down if you have to keep him tied up.
    Hopefully the behaviourist uses positive reinforcement and is working on using his nose in activities to burn some of that energy. Also look at what you are feeding. The food may be too high in carbs/sugars helping to fuel him further.
    Hopefully you can make some improvements together. 7-12 months is usually a difficult period as they have the confidence and size to test boundaries. Hopefully in a few months you will be coming back on here saying what a wonderful dog he is!

    if you do decide to rehome please look for a charity or group that is aware of his issues otherwise he will be passed from home to home and have a miserable life.
    Deboragh and Joy like this.
  7. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    Can you give us an idea of your dog's daily routine? I think that perhaps a change in the structure of his day, with appropriate physical and mental stimulation and rest periods, might be what is needed. Labs tend to be very people-oriented and want/ need a lot of interaction and the biting and knocking you over could be his way of trying to achieve this.
    So how does his day go - you get up and then what?
    5labs and Edp like this.
  8. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Hi, I found 7 months the most challenging age, but was much easier to manage with lots of exercise and mental stimulation. By a year my dog was starting to settle, by 18 months she was a delight. We put a lot of hard work in though with obedience lessons. However, I don’t understand how a dog can be so destructive and not house trained if you are with him 24/7 . As @Joy says, what is your routine like ?
    Deboragh likes this.
  9. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    A half hour chasing a tennis ball goes a long way towards getting Cooper tired. By 7 months she had the run of the house most of the time, no pen and the door to her crate was never closed. She chewed up a few things, but we kept the kitchen area pretty well puppy proofed.. We also made sure she had plenty of her toys around.
    Deboragh likes this.
  10. Bertie_lab

    Bertie_lab Registered Users

    Jul 9, 2020
    Hi Jamie, just checking in on how you’re getting on a few months later. I’m sure you have a few new behaviours as with any dogs but wondered how you were both doing?
  11. Bonniesmum

    Bonniesmum Registered Users

    Feb 28, 2021
    Hi there. What's your puppy like ? My 7 month old female went from being great to very hard work around a month ago. She now barks indoor and outdoors. Barks and growls at strangers and all kids. Pulls so hard on the lead to!! :(

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