Our pup is 8.5 months old and refuses to go up stairs or steps. We’ve tried encouraging him and tempting him with favourite foods or toys on each step but he simply backs off. It’s the same outside where he won’t go up steps in the park. He has the same problem with bridges and refuses to cross even the smallest one even if it’s only spanning a small stream or ditch. Any ideas would be gratefully received.
Sorry I don’t have an answer but thought I would give your post a bump up. I would have thought like any fear related training it has to be done in baby steps with very high value treats and at a time when it doesn’t matter I.e when you don’t have to get there in a hurry and you can sit and be patient whilst he thinks about it. Will he come down steps?
Thanks for your reply. We have tried all sorts of treats including chicken which he loves. No he won’t come down them either. Will keep trying a little bit every day.
I remember clearly a thread on this subject about three years ago. It contained some videos on suggested training.
I am dealing with this exact same issue right now My 8 month old refuses to do stairs within the last 3 weeks. He will go down no problems but refuses to go up even with all the high quality treats.