Hi there, my little lady has developed a patch of discoloured skin on her side, it seems to be slowly getting larger in size. The vet has ruled out mites, ticks or infection, the next step is biopsy which requires sedation. It isnt bothering her or itching or causing discomfort, it looks to be purely cosmetic, so we dont really want to put her through that ordeal. I was wondering if any of you have come across anything like this and if you had any advice. Thanks in advance. Mika 2yrsold. Poor pooch https://imgur.com/gallery/kEs7iyy
H Hi That is quite a big area. Has she been biting it for the fur to go? If you aren’t happy with the vet’s suggestion you could go to a different vet for a second opinion or ask for a referral to a dermatologist. Presumably they would just do a punch biopsy with minimal sedation and no stitches? If it gives you a diagnosis I would probably go along with it especially if the patch is getting bigger.
Hi there, We took JD's advice and went along to a second vet, although not 100%, she settled on alopecia and if it wasnt bothering her then not to worry. Reading on other forums we tried aloe vera gel each night before she settled for the night. It has taken some time but her fur is starting to grow back slowly. The patch is still visible but is certainly improving with time.