Hoping for some tips/advice on how to apply eye gel to my 15 week old puppy's eye. He has an eyelid turned under that the vet says can't be fixed until he is older and has given me some gel to apply in the meantime for lubrication. I don't have any help, so nobody available to hold him for me and am having a very difficult time getting any into his eye. Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas?
You could try using a Likimat. Smear with something like peanut butter and stick it to a vertical surface. If you have it fairly high his eye will be in the right place. Mine hates having anything done to him but I have used it successfully for cleaning wounds/ears etc. Helps if your dog is food driven.
Never heard of a Likimat, but will definitely look into and try it - he is totally food driven. Thanks!!!
It may go by a different name but will probably have Lick in it somewhere. Just make sure it has suction pads on the back.